         long gpid; 
        wxString tempWxString; 
        tempWxString.sprintf(wxT( "%d"), gpid); 
        wxMessageBox(tempWxString, _( "Welcome to..."));
         long gt; 
        gt=::wxGetElapsedTime( true); 
        wxString tempWxString; 
        tempWxString.sprintf(wxT( "is %d second"), gt/1000); 
        wxMessageBox(tempWxString, _( "Welcome to..."));
//bool wxCopyFile(const wxString& file1, const wxString& file2, bool overwrite = true) 
::wxCopyFile( "c:\\README.TXT", "d:\\1.txt", true);
        wxString osDirectory; 
        wxMessageBox(osDirectory, _( "Welcome to..."));
        wxString OsVersion; 
        wxMessageBox(OsVersion, _( "axi Test"));
        wxPoint wp; 
         int x1,y1; 
        wxString tempWxString; 
        tempWxString.sprintf(wxT( "x: %d y: %d"), x1,y1); 
        wxMessageBox(tempWxString, _( "frame xy"));
bool wxRemoveFile( const wxString& file) 
Removes file, returning  true  if successful. 

bool wxRenameFile( const wxString& file1,  const wxString& file2,  bool overwrite =  true
Renames file1 to file2, returning  true  if successful. 
If overwrite parameter  is  true ( default), the destination file  is overwritten  if it exists, but  if overwrite  is  false, the functions fails  in  this  case
bool wxRmdir( const wxString& dir,  int flags=0) 
Removes the directory dir, returning  true  if successful. Does not work under VMS. 
The flags parameter  is reserved  for future use. 
Please notice that there  is also a wxRmDir() function which simply wraps the standard POSIX rmdir() function and so return an integer error code instead of a boolean value (but otherwise  is currently identical to wxRmdir), don't confuse these two functions.