ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25013] 错误处理


SQL>  create tablespace jiujian datafile '/oracle/CRM2/CRM/jiujian.dbf' size 1m;
 create tablespace jiujian datafile '/oracle/CRM2/CRM/jiujian.dbf' size 1m
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25013], [0], [14], [JIUJIAN], [JIUJIAN], [0], [9], []

SQL>  select file#,status$,ts# from file$;
     FILE#    STATUS$        TS#
---------- ---------- ----------
         1          2          0
         2          2          6
         3          2          2
         4          2          4
         5          2          6
         6          2         13
         7          2          6
         8          2          7
        10          1
         9          1
        11          1
11 rows selected.
注意上面查询结果file#= 10,9 ,11 因为没有可关联的ts#值所以是无效的
SQL> delete from file$ where file#=10;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from file$ where file#=9;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from file$ where file#=11;
1 row deleted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select ts#,name,online$ from ts$;
       TS# NAME                                        ONLINE$
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
         0 SYSTEM                                            1
         1 UNDOTBS1                                          3
         2 SYSAUX                                            1
         3 TEMP                                              1
         4 USERS                                             1
         5 UNDOTBS2                                          3
         6 ZX                                                1
         7 ZXBIGTBS                                          1
         8 TESTTEMP                                          3
        10 LTEMP1                                            1
         9 TEMPGROUP1                                        1
       TS# NAME                                        ONLINE$
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
        11 UNDOTBS3                                          3
        12 TEMPGROUP2                                        3
        13 UNDOTBS4                                          1
        14 JIUJIAN                                           3
15 rows selected.
注意同样对于ts$ online字段为3的也表示无效的。
SQL> delete from ts$ where ts#=1;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from ts$ where ts#=5;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from ts$ where ts#=11;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from ts$ where ts#=14;
1 row deleted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL>  select ts#,name,online$ from ts$;
       TS# NAME                                        ONLINE$
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
         0 SYSTEM                                            1
         2 SYSAUX                                            1
         3 TEMP                                              1
         4 USERS                                             1
         6 ZX                                                1
         7 ZXBIGTBS                                          1
         8 TESTTEMP                                          3
        10 LTEMP1                                            1
         9 TEMPGROUP1                                        1
        12 TEMPGROUP2                                        3
        13 UNDOTBS4                                          1
11 rows selected.
SQL> create tablespace jiujian datafile '/oracle/CRM2/CRM/jiujian.dbf' size 1m;
Tablespace created.

本文转自 zhangxuwl 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/jiujian/1059659,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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