Network Connect问题

东莞某用户使用Juniper Network Connect 链接USA office时出现此故障,询问后得知只有此用户有这种情况。
Network Connect会话已终止。是否要重新连接?(
To manually remove the Network Connect virtual adapter on Windows XP go to the Control Panel > System > Device Manager and delete the Juniper Network Connect virtual adapter from the Network Adapters.  If you do not see the Network Connect virtual adapter listed, select  "Show hidden devices" from the "View" drop-down menu on the toolbar in the Device Manager window.
Alternatively, to remove the Network Connect Virtual Adapter right-click on the adapter and choose "uninstall".
A new adapter will be reinstalled the next time a Network Connect session is launched.
在测试的过程中,有一点,我把Juniper Network Connect virtual adapter 删了,如何找回来呢 ?询问用户后,得知他们当时装就是上NC所要connect的那个网址装的,于是连上,在页面上先点卸载,然后再安装,这样virtual adapter 就又出来了,olay!

本文转simmy51CTO博客,原文链接: ,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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