利用 not in select top pageSize * from table where tid not in (select top (pageIndex-1)*pagesize tid from 表名) ; --------------或者 select * from ( select *,Row_Number() over(order by id) RowNumber from 表名) t where t.RowNumber>=2 and t.RowNumber<=10;
create Procedure GetPageData( @PageIndex int =1, @PageSize int =10, @RowCount int output, @PageCount int output) as Declare @sql nvarchar(225),@sqlcount nuachar(225) select @rowcount=count(sid),@pagecount=ceiling( count(sid)+0.0 )/@pagesize from studentsset @sql='select top '+str(@pagesize)+' * from students,classes where scid=cid and sid not in(select top) ' +str( (@pageIndex)-1 )*pagesize) +'sid from students' print @sql exec(@sql) --执行 Declare @rowcount int, @pagecount int exec GetPageData 1,3,@rowcount out ,@pagecount outputselect rowcount,@pagecount