An Simple Collection Class

Construct an Collection:
* @copyright    2009-1-16 
* @author Tom Zhou 
* @Info: Use ArrayObject to build an super simple collection, 
*         it can be used to store various of data, such as DB connection,Object etc.    
* @access anything 
* @return data of corresponding opposite    

class MySimpleCollection  extends ArrayObject{ 
    * if identity private variable, in construct you should call parent construct and set the 
    * instance to this private variable. 
    * antoher way is never override this construct method 
//  private    $collection; 
//  function __construct(){ 
//    parent::__construct(); 
//    $this->collection=$this; 
//  } 
  function addObject($_index,$_object){ 
    $ this->offsetSet($_index,$_object); 
  function getObject($_index){ 
     return $ this->offsetGet($_index); 
  function delObject($_index){ 
    $ this->offsetUnset($_index); 
  function printCollection(){ 
    echo  "<pre>"
    print_r($ this); 
    echo  "</pre>"
Store some data
//#get some object 
    $user= new userObject();      //#general object 
    $dao= new userDao();              //#DB object 
     //#put into collection 
    $colletionInstance= new MySimpleCollection(); 
    $colletionInstance->addObject(3,$_SESSION[ "URL_FROM"]); 
    $colletionInstance->addObject(4,serialize( "daniel")); 
    $colletionInstance->addObject(5,unserialize(serialize( "daniel")));     
    $colletionInstance->addObject(6,array(0=> "string",1=>array( "name"=> "daniel"), "last name"=> "zhou")); 
    $colletionInstance->addObject(7,array(0=> "daniel")); 
    $colletionInstance->addObject(9, "daniel");     
     //#have a look 
     while ($iterater->valid()) { 
            echo $iterater->current(). "<br>"
            echo $iterater->key(). "<BR>"
then take a look
MySimpleCollection Object 

        [1] => user Object 
                        [no] => 1 

        [2] => dbObjMySQL Object 
                        [db_host] => 
                        [db_name] => LOAN163 
                        [user_name] => root 
                        [pass_code] => 2008like18 
                        [db_connect] => Resource id #22 
                        [db_rec] =>    
                        [ErrMsg] =>    
                        [PHPErrCd] =>    
                        [PHPErrMsg] =>    
                        [PHPSQL] =>    
                        [tran_flg] =>    
                        [new_link] =>    

        [3] => /backyard/?Command=Admin_Login 
        [4] => s:6: "daniel"
        [5] => daniel 
        [6] => Array 
                        [0] => string 
                        [1] => Array 
                                        [name] => daniel 

                        [last name] => zhou 

        [7] => Array 
                        [0] => daniel 

        [8] => 0.2356 
        [9] => daniel 

Object id #6 

Object id #10 


s:6: "daniel"






    本文转自danni505 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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