Case one
< project > 

         < target  name ="clean" > 
                 < delete  dir ="build" /> 
         </ target > 

         < target  name ="compile" > 
                 < mkdir  dir ="build/classes" /> 
                 < javac  srcdir ="src"  destdir ="build/classes" /> 
         </ target > 

         < target  name ="jar" > 
                 < mkdir  dir ="build/jar" /> 
                 < jar  destfile ="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar"  basedir ="build/classes" > 
                         < manifest > 
                                 < attribute  name ="Main-Class"  value ="demo.HelloWorld" /> 
                         </ manifest > 
                 </ jar > 
         </ target > 

         < target  name ="run" > 
                 < java  jar ="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar"  fork ="true" /> 
         </ target > 

</ project >
Case two
< project  name ="antdemo"  basedir ="."  default ="deploy" > 

  <!--  Project settings --> 
   < property  name ="project.distname"  value ="antdemo"  /> 
   < property  name ="src.dir"  value ="src"  /> 
   < property  name ="lib.dir"  value ="lib"  /> 

  <!--  Local system paths --> 
   < property  name ="build.dir"  value ="build"  /> 
   < property  name ="classes.dir"  value ="${build.dir}/classes"  /> 
   < property  name ="jar.dir"  value ="${build.dir}/jars"  /> 

   < property  name ="main-class"  value ="demo.HelloWorld"  /> 

  <!--  outer jar lib --> 
   < path  id ="classpath" > 
     < fileset  dir ="${lib.dir}"  includes ="**/*.jar"  /> 
   </ path > 

   < target  name ="clean" > 
     < delete  dir ="${build.dir}"  /> 
   </ target > 

   < target  name ="compile" > 
     < mkdir  dir ="${classes.dir}"  /> 
    <!--  In javac, we should improt the chasspathref which needed. --> 
     < javac  srcdir ="${src.dir}"  destdir ="${classes.dir}"   classpathref ="classpath"  />     
      < copy  todir ="${classes.dir}" > 
                         < fileset  dir ="${src.dir}"  excludes ="**/*.java" /> 
                 </ copy > 
   </ target > 

  <!--  Create jar --> 
   < target  name ="jar"  depends ="compile" > 
     < mkdir  dir ="${jar.dir}"  /> 
     < jar  destfile ="jar.dir/{}.jar"  basedir ="${classes.dir}" > 
       < manifest > 
         < attribute  name ="Main-Class"  value ="${main-class}"  /> 
       </ manifest > 
     </ jar > 
   </ target > 

   < target  name ="run"  depends ="jar" > 
    <!--  <java jar="jar.dir/{}.jar" fork="true"/>--> 
    <!--  set classpath --> 
     < java  fork ="true"  classname ="${main-class}" > 
       < classpath > 
         < path  refid ="classpath"  /> 
         < path  location ="jar.dir/{}.jar"  /> 
       </ classpath > 
     </ java > 
   </ target > 

   < target  name ="clean-build"  depends ="clean,jar"  /> 

   < target  name ="deploy"  depends ="clean,run"  /> 

</ project > 
Compare two cases, in front one, which just defind some single target, we should call them name clearly, each target have no relationship.
While in case two, it much more complex, which defined some environment variables, and defined each target relationship, and most improtant is in case two, which have use some extern libs, so in which build.xml, we should user "classpath" to describe them, and in complie target, we should set javac's classpath, if not, when you run it, it will throw some lib not found exceptions.
Source Code For DownLoad