AIX 系统故障之--删除VG故障

数据可视化DataV,5个大屏 1个月
可视分析地图(DataV-Atlas),3 个项目,100M 存储空间

AIX 系统故障之--删除VG故障


  操作系统: AIX5300-08


  在datavg 卷组上建立了lv_ps1和paging01 两个换页空间,在没有删除换页空间的情况下,先删除了datavg 卷组,后来又重新建立了datavg 卷组,在查看换页空间时,报错

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# varyonvg datavg

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lspv

hdisk0          00040f8aaa29d28e                    rootvg          active

hdisk1          000681aaf63a15aa                    datavg          active

hdisk2          0006816afe167521                    None  

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsps -a

Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group    Size %Used Active  Auto  Type

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

paging01        hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

lv_ps1          hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

paging00        hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

hd6             hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv



[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# synclvodm -v datavg

synclvodm: Physical volume data updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_dsk1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv01 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume fslv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_ps1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume paging01 updated.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute hotspare in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_sync in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_on in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute quorum in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsps -a

Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group    Size %Used Active  Auto  Type

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

paging01        hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

lv_ps1          hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

paging00        hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

hd6             hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv


[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsvg -l datavg


LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT

lv_dsk1             jfs        48      48      1    closed/syncd  /dsk1

loglv00             jfslog     1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A

loglv01             jfs2log    1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A

fslv00              jfs2       32      32      1    closed/syncd  /dsk2

lv_ps1              paging     32      32      1    closed/syncd  N/A

paging01            paging     32      32      1    closed/syncd  N/A


[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# odmdelete -o CuDv -q "name=paging01"

1 objects deleted

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsps -a

Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group    Size %Used Active  Auto  Type

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

lv_ps1          hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

paging00        hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

hd6             hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# synclvodm -v datavg

synclvodm: Physical volume data updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_dsk1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv01 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume fslv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_ps1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume paging01 updated.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute hotspare in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_sync in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_on in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute quorum in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsps -a

Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group    Size %Used Active  Auto  Type

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

paging01        hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

lv_ps1          hdisk1            datavg        2048MB     0    no   yes    lv

paging00        hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

hd6             hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv


3、通过smit 删除page space

---通过smit 删除paging01 ,lv_ps1 这两个换页空间,问题解决

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsps -a

Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group    Size %Used Active  Auto  Type

paging00        hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv

hd6             hdisk0            rootvg        2048MB     1   yes   yes    lv


[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# lsvg -l datavg


LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT

lv_dsk1             jfs        48      48      1    closed/syncd  /dsk1

loglv00             jfslog     1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A

loglv01             jfs2log    1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A

fslv00              jfs2       32      32      1    closed/syncd  /dsk2

4、同步ODM 任然错误

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# synclvodm -v datavg

synclvodm: Physical volume data updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_dsk1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv01 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume fslv00 updated.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute hotspare in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_sync in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute auto_on in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.

0516-310 synclvodm: Unable to find attribute quorum in the Device

       Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to

       correct the database.


[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# redefinevg

Usage: redefinevg {-d PVname | -i VGid} [-V MajorNumber] VGname

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# redefinevg -d hdisk1 datavg

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# varyoffvg datavg

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# exportvg datavg

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# importvg

0516-604 importvg: Physical volume name not entered.

Usage: importvg [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ]

               [-n] [-F] [-R] PVname

Imports the definition of a volume group.

将vg 导出,然后再重新导入到ODM 库,问题解决

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# importvg -y datavg hdisk1  


[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# varyonvg datavg

[root@/usr/lib/bootaix211]# synclvodm -v datavg

synclvodm: Physical volume data updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume lv_dsk1 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv00 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume loglv01 updated.

synclvodm: Logical volume fslv00 updated.


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