英语每日听写练习 Day 7


Read the recipe

OK, I have washed and cleaned all the ingredients. What do I do now?

Just follow the recipe I wrote out for you.

But it's not clear. What is "a pinch of salt"?

It's the amount of salt you can pick up between your thumb and your index finder.

That does not seem very accurate. Everyone has diferent sized fingers.

You can add more if you think it needs it later but you can't take it out once it is in.

Ok, that makes sense. Well what does "poach 2 eggs" mean? I looked it up in the dictionary. Do I have to steal some eggs to maike this?

No, poach is when you cook an egg in water without the shell.

Oh right. Who knew a recipe could be so confusing.


ingredients: 在这里指做菜的原材料

recipe: 菜单

a pinch of: 一小撮

sized:adj. 大小的


make sense: 有道理

poach: 水煮

look...up: 查找


