英语每日听写练习 Day 16


Organize your daily work

Phew, I'm exhausted.
Why, what's up?
There just aren't enough hours in the day. I'm always so busy.
Ah, I know what you mean. I've been organizing my time better lately. It's a lot less stressful when you're organized.
Really? How do you do that ?
Well, at the end of each day, I make a list of things I need to do the next day. I check the list in the morning and carry it with me all day so I don't forget.
Hmm, that's a good idea. I'm going to do that too...starting next week.
Don't procrastinate Daren, do it today.
I can't. I'm too busy today.


exhausted: 筋疲力尽的

less stressful: 比较级后加 adj.

procrastinate: v. 延迟, 耽搁

