Mount the network share where your WIM is located:
Type the following command and replace the relevant info:
net use y: \\server\share\Images /user:contoso\jose
(You should have access to the scratch dir on server via y:)
Apply Image
Images can be applied: via script / manually running commands
Applying image via script
Assuming you have the images network share mounted to y:, do the following:
cscript y:\SCRIPTS\applyImage.vbs y:\<wim> y:\SCRIPTS\diskpartCreate60.scr
Note: This will create a 60GB partition, format it, label it c:, then apply the wim. use diskpartCreate.scr to make the boot volume fill the full volume size.
Note: you must have your physical disk sized a little more that 60GB for the above to work. Suggested size: 62GB