执行eclipse.exe时,出现错误An error has occurred.See the logfile问题

简介: 安装eclipse时,执行eclipse.exe时,出现错误An error has occurred.See the logfile问题  因为系统安装有Oracle 9i,Oracle 9i会在你的环境变量里的path设定jvm的版本,所以系统会抓到1.3.1的版本,导致不能使用eclipse。
    安装eclipse时,执行eclipse.exe时,出现错误An error has occurred.See the logfile问题  
因为系统安装有Oracle 9i,Oracle 9i会在你的环境变量里的path设定jvm的版本,所以系统会抓到
双击eclipse提示an error has occurred See the log file E:\javatool\eclipse-mars-2\configuration\156991769
双击eclipse提示an error has occurred See the log file E:\javatool\eclipse-mars-2\configuration\156991769
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