openStack Use Orchestration module(heat) create and manage cloud resources

简介: The Orchestration module(heat) uses a heat orchestration template(HOT)to create and manage cloud resources; The Orchestration module provides a tem...

The Orchestration module(heat) uses a heat orchestration template(HOT)to create and manage cloud resources;

The Orchestration module provides a template-based orchestration for description a cloud application,generrate running cloud applications;

the software integrates other core components of OpenStack into a one-file template system;
The template allow you to create most OpenStack resource types,such as instances,floating IPs,volumes,secuurity groups and users.It also provides advanced functionality,such as instance high availability,instance auuto-scaling,and nested stacks,This enables OpenStack core projects to receives a large user base;

The service enables deployers to integrate with the Orchestration module directly or through custom plug-ins;

verity operation of The Orchestration module

The Orchestration module uses templates to description stacks;



API 数据库 虚拟化
Openstack Nova 源码分析 — Create instances (nova-conductor阶段)
目录 目录 前言 Instance Flavor Instance Status Virt Driver Resource Tracker nova-conductor Create Instancenova-conductor阶段 前言 Nova 控制着一个个虚拟机的状态变迁和生命周期,这种对虚拟机生命周期的管理是由 nova-compute service 来完成的。
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Python 数据安全/隐私保护 缓存
openstack中dashboard页面RuntimeError: Unable to create a new session key. It is likely that the cache is unavailable.
环境是centos7,直接跑在服务器上。 按照官网一步步安装openstack,到验证dashborad时出错。 登录http:// ,输入域名,用户名,密码,出现错误,无法进入界面   tail -40 /etc/httpd/logs/error_log 查看打印 发现 [Sat Aug 12 19:42:16.
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存储 算法 调度
Create Volume 操作(Part II) - 每天5分钟玩转 OpenStack(51)
上一节我们讨论了 Cinder 创建 Volume 的第一部分,cinder-api 的操作,本节继续第二部分,cinder-scheduler 调度工作。 cinder-scheduler 执行调度 cinder-scheduler 执行调度算法,通过 Filter 和 Weigher 挑选最优的存储节点 日志为 /opt/stack/logs/c-sch.log。
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存储 监控 API
Create Volume 操作(Part I) - 每天5分钟玩转 OpenStack(50)
前面已经学习了 Cinder 的架构和相关组件,从本节我们开始详细分析 Cinder 的各种操作,首先讨论 Cinder 如何创建 volume。 Create 操作流程如下: 客户(可以是 OpenStack 最终用户,也可以是其他程序)向 API(cinder-api)发送请求:“帮我创建一个 volume”。
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消息中间件 缓存 Shell
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