用WDS和MDT 2010部署windows 7


Step By Step:

  1. Make sure you have infrastructure setup (AD, DNS, DHCP)  Download files; Prepare for deployment Learn more about the MDT 2010
    1. Download the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010
    2. Download WAIK for Windows 7 {large ISO}
    3. Download Windows 7 Deployment Guide
  2. Install Windows Deployment Services role [WDS] {Server Manager: Roles - Add Windows Deployment Services [defaults for all except turn on "respond to all clients"]}
  3. Install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit [MDT] {Learn more about the MDT 2010}
  4. Install Automated Installation Kit [AIK]
  5. Create MDT 2010 Deployment Share {deployment workbench: right-click deployment share} 
  6. Add Operating System Files to the deployment Share {Deployment Workbench: Operating Systems: Action Pane: click Import Operating System}
  7. Add Drivers {Deployment Workbench: Out-Of-Box Drivers: Action Pane: click Import Drivers; browse to location of drivers} 
  8. Note: We did not add applications but you can do that just as easily.  You just need the media and you need to know what the parameter [switch] to do a quiet install.  For office 2007 the switch is "setup"
  9. Create Task Sequence {Deployment Workbench: Task Sequence: Action Pane: click New Task Sequence [Turn on sysprep and capture computer]}
  10. Update Deployment Share {Deployment Workbench: MDT Deployment Share: Action Pane: click Update Deployment Share}  [This creates your WIM and ISO files based on the configuration from above]
  11. Import Boot WIM to WDS: Now we need to import the files create above into our Windows Deployment Services. {Server Manager: Roles: Windows Deployment Services:Servers:FQDNofServer:Boot Images - Right Click - Add Boot Image - Browse to location of \\severname\deplymentshare$\boot\LiteTouchPE_x??}
  12. Network Boot the Reference Computer {Boot and press F12 for PXE Boot [note if using Hyper-V virtual guest you have to use a legacy NIC to do PXE boot] Follow on-screen prompts}
  13. Add Captured Reference Image to Deployment Workbench {Deployment Workbench: Operating Systems: Action Pane: click Import Operating System - change to "Custom WIM" and select the WIM from the Captures share \\servername\deploymentshare$\captures}
  14. Create task Sequence for Target Computer {Deployment Workbench: Task Sequence: Action Pane: click New Task Sequence [leave sysprep and capture computer off]}
  15. PXE Boot Target computer to deploy image :) 

本文转自 149banzhang 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/149banzhang/709778,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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