Msg 547 The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "".




Msg 547, Level 16,State 0, Line 2

The ALTER TABLEstatement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "chk_id". The conflictoccurred in database "test", table "dbo.test_CONSTRAINT",column 'ID'.



这个错误说明现有的表中数据超过了约束的限制,所以无法插入。一般我们需要将表中数据梳理完之后重新创建,但是可能存在一种状况比如以前确实只有5位的数据,现在升级系统后变为8位以前的数据还要保留。解决这个问题可以使用WITH NOCHECK参数。








select * fromtest_CONSTRAINT



ALTER TABLE dbo.test_CONSTRAINTADDCONSTRAINT id_checkCHECK(idbetween 1and 10000);


Msg 547, Level 16,State 0, Line 2

The ALTER TABLEstatement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "chk_id". The conflictoccurred in database "test", table "dbo.test_CONSTRAINT",column 'ID'.


--WITH NOCHECK 以避免根据现有行验证该约束,从而允许添加该约束


ADD CONSTRAINT id_checkCHECK(idbetween 1and 10000);


-- 重新启用约束






Msg 547, Level 16,State 0, Line 1

The INSERTstatement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "id_check". Theconflict occurred in database "test", table"dbo.test_CONSTRAINT", column 'ID'.

The statement hasbeen terminated.

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