


  1. <build> 
  2.   <directory>${project.basedir}/target</directory> 
  3.   <outputDirectory>${}/classes</outputDirectory> 
  4.   <finalName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}</finalName> 
  5.   <testOutputDirectory>${}/test-classes</testOutputDirectory> 
  6.   <sourceDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/main/java</sourceDirectory> 
  7.   <!-- TODO: MNG-3731 maven-plugin-tools-api < 2.4.4 expect this to be relative... --> 
  8.   <scriptSourceDirectory>src/main/scripts</scriptSourceDirectory> 
  9.   <testSourceDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/test/java</testSourceDirectory> 
  10.   <resources> 
  11.     <resource> 
  12.       <directory>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources</directory> 
  13.     </resource> 
  14.   </resources> 
  15.   <testResources> 
  16.     <testResource> 
  17.       <directory>${project.basedir}/src/test/resources</directory> 
  18.     </testResource> 
  19.   </testResources> 
  20. </build> 

  Maven能够按照标准化的方式来编译、打包等就是依赖于安装目录apache-maven-2.2.1\lib下的maven-2.2.1-uber.jar下面的org\apache\maven\project\pom-4.0.0.xml来完成的。那如果需要增加源代码包和测试源代码包该如何办呢? 使用build-helper来完成。

 build-helper是maven的plugin, 官网:, 使用说明:


  1. <plugin> 
  2.                 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> 
  3.                 <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId> 
  4.                 <version>1.5</version> 
  5.                 <executions> 
  6.                     <execution> 
  7.                         <id>add-source</id> 
  8.                         <phase>generate-sources</phase> 
  9.                         <goals> 
  10.                             <goal>add-source</goal> 
  11.                         </goals> 
  12.                         <configuration> 
  13.                             <sources> 
  14.                                 <source>src/junit/java</source> 
  15.                                 <source>src/junit/resources</source> 
  16.                             </sources> 
  17.                         </configuration> 
  18.                     </execution> 
  19.                 </executions> 
  20.             </plugin> 


  1. <plugin> 
  2.        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> 
  3.        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId> 
  4.        <version>1.5</version> 
  5.        <executions> 
  6.          <execution> 
  7.            <id>add-test-source</id> 
  8.            <phase>generate-test-sources</phase> 
  9.            <goals> 
  10.              <goal>add-test-source</goal> 
  11.            </goals> 
  12.            <configuration> 
  13.              <sources> 
  14.                <source>some directory</source> 
  15.                ... 
  16.              </sources> 
  17.            </configuration> 
  18.          </execution> 
  19.        </executions> 
  20.      </plugin> 

添加测试源代码包后,通过mvn eclipse:eclipse生成eclipse工程之后,却无法在eclipse的源代码build path中看到,而添加源代码包是可以的。查阅了官网的bug库,该bug至今处于open状态。参考:


 本文转自 tianya23 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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