
This one seems to stump most linux newbies..."Why can't I hear sounds from two applications at once?" This is because your sound card requires something called "software mixing." Thankfully, ALSA provides software mixing, so this shouldn't be very hard. 

The first thing to do is install the package libesd-alsa0. Use synaptic, a sudo apt-get install, or whatever. Its available in the Ubuntu repositories. 
首先需要安装libesd-alsa0,用Synaptic或sudo apt-get install等方式都可以进行安装,它就在Ubuntu官方软件库中。

Then, create the following file using "sudo gedit" or your favorite text editor, and save it as /etc/asound.conf. (Make sure you use sudo, you need root priviledges to do this.) 
然后,用sudo gedit或您喜欢的文本编辑器创建文件/etc/asound.conf(请确定您使用了sudo,因为您需要root权限)

pcm.card0 { 
 type hw 
 card 0 

pcm.!default { 
 type plug 
 slave.pcm "dmixer" 

pcm.dmixer { 
 type dmix 
 ipc_key 1025 
 slave { 
  pcm "hw:0,0" 
  period_time 0 
  period_size 1024 
  buffer_size 4096 
  periods 128 
  rate 44100 
 bindings { 
  0 0 
  1 1 

(the above file should work with most sound cards...I've tried it with 3 different ones with success. I can't guarantee it'll work in all cases, though.) 

Next, execute a "sudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf" and change the file to the following: 
接下来,运行"sudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf",将文件改成下面的内容:

spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 2 -d default 
# default options are used in spawned and non-spawned mode 

Next, go to your Sound control panel in Gnome and enable sound server startup. After this, go to your Multimedia Systems Selector control panel and set it to either ALSA or ESD. Then, reboot your computer. 

After doing this, you can set any application to use alsa or ESD, and you'll hear multiple sounds at once! No more problems playing games that use ALSA and hearing sounds from a Gnome app that uses ESD... 

If someone has problem with no sound in mozilla/firefox/epiphany with this setup on hoary, I've found that firefox seeks for libesd.so.1 at startup while there is only libesd.so.0. 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1 should solve the problem

有些朋友在hoary上按照上述的方法设置却遇到了问题,他们不能在mozilla/firefox/epiphany程序中听到声音,结果我发现在启动firefox时,程序查找libesd.so.1而系统却只有libesd.so.0,所以只要运行命令“sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1”后就可以解决这个问题了

本文转自 firehare 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/firehare/588117,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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