Objective: Become familiar with the process of loading router configurations.
Lab Equipment: Router 4 from the eRouters menu (Tampa from Lab 18)
Prerequisite: You must have just completed Lab 18: Saving Router configurations in order to complete this lab successfully.
1. Now that the configuration is stored on the TFTP server, change the host name of the router. This will prove that the configuration was copied from the TFTP server. Log on to Tampa, and enter global configuration mode.
Tampa#config t
Lab Equipment: Router 4 from the eRouters menu (Tampa from Lab 18)
Prerequisite: You must have just completed Lab 18: Saving Router configurations in order to complete this lab successfully.
1. Now that the configuration is stored on the TFTP server, change the host name of the router. This will prove that the configuration was copied from the TFTP server. Log on to Tampa, and enter global configuration mode.
Tampa#config t

2. Change the host name to Bad_Router.
Tampa(config)#hostname Bad_Router

3. Copy the configuration you stored on the TFTP server into the running configuration on Bad_Router.
Bad_Router#copy tftp running-config
4. When the router prompts you for a name or an IP address, enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
Address or name of remote host []?
5. Enter the name of the configuration fi le that should be obtained from the TFTP server.
Source filename []?Tampa_config

6. The router will download the configuration and load it into the running configuration.
Afterward, the host name will be restored to what it was when the configuration was saved.
