Title: How to Install VMware ESX 4.0 on Workstation 6.5.2 as a VM
Author(s): Xtravirt (Paul Buckle)
Target Audience: Technical - Novice
Current Revision: 1.0 June 2009
First Published: 5 June 2009
Products: VMware ESX 4.0, Workstation 6.5.2
Being able to run VMware ESX 4.0 under VMware Workstation as a VM gives users and professionals in the IT community great flexibility when it comes to learning, experimenting or even demonstrating the product. Needless to say, this is not an officially supported deployment.
The approach is fundamentally no different to that previously devised for VMware ESX 3.5, the main difference simply being the change in minimum hardware requirements.
This Xtravirt white paper provides this information along with the installation instructions for this environment.
Key Concepts:
- Step by step install guide for VMware ESX 4.0 as a virtual machine within VMware Workstation 6.5.2
本文转自 rickyfang 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/rickyfang/167247