Windows Server 2008安装及配置Terminal Server




一、如何安装:(来自Windows Server TechCenter)

To install the Terminal Server role service

  1. Open Server Manager. To open Server Manager, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.

  2. In the left pane, right-click Roles, and then click Add Roles.

  3. In the Add Roles Wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  4. On the Select Server Roles page, under Roles, select the Terminal Services check box.

    If Terminal Services is already installed on the server, the Terminal Services check box will be selected and dimmed.
  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Terminal Services page, click Next.

  7. On the Select Role Services page, select the Terminal Server check box, and then click Next.

    If you are installing the Terminal Server role service on a domain controller, you will receive a warning message because installing the Terminal Server role service on a domain controller is not recommended. For more information, see Installing Terminal Server on a Domain Controller.
  8. On the Uninstall and Reinstall Applications for Compatibility page, click Next.

  9. On the Specify Authentication Method for Terminal Server page, select the appropriate authentication method for the terminal server, and then click Next. For more information about authentication methods, see Configure the Network Level Authentication Setting for a Terminal Server.

  10. On the Specify Licensing Mode, select the appropriate licensing mode for the terminal server, and then click Next. For more information about licensing modes, see Specify the Terminal Services Licensing Mode.

  11. On the Select User Groups Allowed Access To This Terminal Server page, add the users or user groups that you want to be able to remotely connect to this terminal server, and then click Next. For more information, see Configure the Remote Desktop Users Group.

  12. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, verify that the Terminal Server role service will be installed, and then click Install.

  13. On the Installation Progress page, installation progress will be noted.

  14. On the Installation Results page, you are prompted to restart the server to finish the installation process. Click Close, and then click Yes to restart the server.

  15. If you are prompted that other programs are still running, do either of the following:

    • To close the programs manually and restart the server later, click Cancel
    • To automatically close the programs and restart the server, click Restart now.
  16. After the server restarts and you log on to the computer, the remaining steps of the installation will finish. When the Installation Results page appears, confirm that the installation of Terminal Server succeeded.

    You can also confirm that Terminal Server is installed by following these steps:

    1. Start Server Manager.
    2. Under Roles Summary, click Terminal Services.
    3. Under System Services, confirm that Terminal Services has a status of Running.
    4. Under Role Services, confirm that Terminal Server has a status of Installed.



打开 控制面板 → 管理工具 → 终端服务(Terminal Services tsconfig.msc 2003里叫tscc.msc) → 终端服务配置(Terminal Services Configuration)

1、(修改可以同时登陆的人数,包括自己,默认为2个,如果只需要另外一个人远程登陆你的电脑的话,比如mm或gg,那么这一步就不用做了,直接跳到第二步)连接(Connections):RDP-tcp 点右键 → 属性 → 网络适配器(Network Adapter) → 最大连接数 → 自己修改数目。
2、配置(Edit settings):终端服务器授权模式(Terminal Services licensing mode) → 点右键 → 属性 → 常规 → 限制每个用户只能使用一个会话(Restrict each user to a single session),去掉前面的勾 → 确定。到这里就可以多用户登录了。如果设置没有生效,重启一下(试过了,生效d)。
3、为防止恶搞,阻止远程用户终止控制台管理员。开始 → 运行 → gpedit.msc → 计算机配置 → 管理模板 → Windows组件(Windows Components) → 终端服务(Terminal Services) → 终端服务器(Terminal Server) → 连接(Connections) → 拒绝将已经登录到控制台会话的管理员注销(Deny logoff of an administrator log


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