EBS R12用户无职责:There are no active responsibilities available for this user


There Are No Active Responsibilities Available For This User when Removing an End Date From an Existing User After Upgrade OR Clone (文档 ID 1451673.1)

Applies to: 
Oracle Workflow Cartridge - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

After Upgrade from R11.5.2 to R11.5.10 or later, when the end date on FNDSCAUS is removed on user that existed prior to the upgrade, the system shows the following message: 'There are no active responsibilities available for this user'. That problem doesn't occur on new user.
Steps To Reproduce
1. Remove the end date on a user Inactive
2. Log-in in the system
3. The system shows the error message ' There are no active responsibilities available for this user'
4.  If doing the same for a new user then that new user can see the responsibilities.

 Upgraded from an earlier release of 11i to
 The dates are out of sync.


1. Run the Concurrent Request Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation for Y, Y, Y under the System Administrator Responsibility.  Example parameters: (10000, yes, yes, yes)
2.  Retest by removing the end date from an existing user that existed prior to the upgrade. 
3.  If still an issue Run  the Synchronize Workflow Local Tables Concurrent Request.  
4. Retest.

本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:EBS R12用户无职责:There are no active responsibilities available for this user,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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