R12.2.0 post install checks error : RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created - 3


Test "Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (12.2.0) Preinstall (Linux x86_64)" executed at 27-Aug-2014 19:00:28

Test Results

ID     NAME                 RESULT  VALUE
====== ==================== ======= ========= 
A00100 OS Type              RECORD  OL6 64
A00200 OS Certified?        PASSED  Adequate
A01010 ApplTierDirectory    RECORD  /u01/db
A01020 A_T Valid?           PASSED  ATexists
A01030 A_T Permissions OK?  PASSED  CorrectPerms

 A02030 Limit Processes      PASSED  Adequate
A02050 Limit Descriptors    FAILED  HardLow
A02100 ENV Variable Unset   SKIPPED Not SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 or SuSE ...
A02210 Kernel Params OK?    PASSED  KernelOK
A03530 Domain Name          RECORD  huawei.com
A03540 /etc/hosts format    PASSED  Adequate IPv4 entry
A03550 DNS Lookup           FAILED  nslookup IP_address
A03560 Net Service Access?  PASSED  PermOk
A03570 Port 6000            PASSED  Free
A03580 Port Range OK?       PASSED  RangeOK
A03590 DNS Settings         PASSED  DNSOptionsOK
A03600 SysNetw File         FAILED  Missing host.domain
A03610 NoNetwProf File      PASSED  OK
Result file: output/collect/APPS_HCVE_A_EBS122_lin_res.htm

2. 检查发现几项有问题,其中一项可能性最大: A02050 Limit Descriptors    FAILED  HardLow

主要问题是Linux 版本比较新(RH Linux 6.2), 
/etc/security/limits.conf   (这个还不能满足要求)
  * hard nofile 65536
  * soft nofile 4096
  * hard nproc 16384
  * soft nproc 2047
  * hard stack 16384
  * soft stack 10240
备注: Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 
(文档 ID 1330701.1) 文档中关于limits只有上面的设置。

/etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf     (文档中没有给出,Linux 6中特有的) 

*         soft  nproc  1024 
root     soft  nproc  unlimited 
oravis   -     nproc  2048 
applvis   -     nproc  2048
其中 oravis, applvis  也可以设置为 unlimited . 

本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:R12.2.0 post install checks error : RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created - 3,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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