Windows Phone 7 开发 视频资料


1. MIX10大会Windows Phone 7相关课程视频

课程ID 课程标题 comment
Keynote 大会Keynote
CL01 Changing our Game – an Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Series
CL18 Windows Phone Application Platform Architecture
CL20 Distributing and Monetizing Windows Phone Applications and Games
CL13 Overview of the Windows Phone 7 Series Application Platform
CL14 Windows Phone UI and Design Language
CL60 Silverlight Performance on Windows Phone Silverlight
CL59 Unit Testing Silverlight and Windows Phone Applications Silverlight
CL02 Authoring for Windows Phone, Silverlight 4 and WPF 4 with Expression Blend Silverlight
CL16 Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 1 Silverlight
CL17 Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 2 Silverlight
CL22 Building a High Performance 3D Game for Windows Phone XNA
CL21 Building Windows Phone Games XNA
CL19 Development and Debugging Tools for Building XNA Games for Windows Phone XNA


2. Windows Phone 7 Jump Start Training视频教程

Session 1: Introduction 
Session 2: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 1 
Session 3: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 2 
Session 4: Building Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform 
Session 5: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 1 
Session 6: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 2 
Session 7: Advanced Application Development, Part 1 
Session 8: Advanced Application Development, Part 2 
Session 9: Advanced Application Development, Part 3 
Session 10: Marketing Your Windows Phone 7 Application 
Session 11: Working with Media 
Session 12: Final Silverlight Topics and Wrap-Up



3. Windows Phone Design Day 课程视频下载

Ana and Miles, the Windows Phone personas (  Tracey Lovejoy, 3:33 ) 
The Metro Design Language, the inspiration  ( Jeff Fong, 29:48) 
Deconstructing a Windows Phone application part 1: Controls  (  Rhon Manlapaz,  Ryan Bickel, 17:40) 
Deconstructing a Windows Phone application part2: Animation ( Jeff Arnold,  34:22 ) 
Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 3: Target Sizes (  Tirthankar Sengupta,  13:39 ) 
Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 4: Globalization (Ayman Raslan, Franklin Yow : 37:45 ) 
Deconstructing a Windows Phone application, part 6: Perceived performance  (19:45 ) 
Designer insights into Panorama and Pivot ( Chad Roberts, Amy Alberts, 32:18) 
Making Audio Sing on Windows Phone (Matthew Bennett, 34:26 ) 
Windows Phone Voice ( Karen Kesler, 32:00 ) 
Designer Resources: Expression Blend Overview and Roadmap ( Celso Gomes, Peter Blois, 41:20 ) 
Designer Resources:  Windows Phone Documentation ( Chris Kilbourn, 11:18 ) 
Designer Resources: Windows Phone Design Templates ( Chad Roberts, 04:01 )



编解码 安全 Android开发
如何修复 Android 和 Windows 不支持视频编解码器的问题?
视频播放时遇到“编解码器不支持”错误(如0xc00d36c4或0xc00d5212)是常见问题,即使文件格式为MP4或MKV。编解码器是编码和解码数据的工具,不同设备和版本支持不同的编解码器。解决方法包括:1) 安装所需编解码器,如K-Lite Codec Pack;2) 使用自带编解码器的第三方播放器,如VLC、KMPlayer等。这些方法能帮助你顺利播放视频。
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开发者 C# Windows
WPF与游戏开发:当桌面应用遇见游戏梦想——利用Windows Presentation Foundation打造属于你的2D游戏世界,从环境搭建到代码实践全面解析新兴开发路径
【8月更文挑战第31天】随着游戏开发技术的进步,WPF作为.NET Framework的一部分,凭借其图形渲染能力和灵活的UI设计,成为桌面游戏开发的新选择。本文通过技术综述和示例代码,介绍如何利用WPF进行游戏开发。首先确保安装最新版Visual Studio并创建WPF项目。接着,通过XAML设计游戏界面,并在C#中实现游戏逻辑,如玩家控制和障碍物碰撞检测。示例展示了创建基本2D游戏的过程,包括角色移动和碰撞处理。通过本文,WPF开发者可更好地理解并应用游戏开发技术,创造吸引人的桌面游戏。
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开发者 iOS开发 C#
Uno Platform 入门超详细指南:从零开始教你打造兼容 Web、Windows、iOS 和 Android 的跨平台应用,轻松掌握 XAML 与 C# 开发技巧,快速上手示例代码助你迈出第一步
【8月更文挑战第31天】Uno Platform 是一个基于 Microsoft .NET 的开源框架,支持使用 C# 和 XAML 构建跨平台应用,适用于 Web(WebAssembly)、Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。它允许开发者共享几乎全部的业务逻辑和 UI 代码,同时保持原生性能。选择 Uno Platform 可以统一开发体验,减少代码重复,降低开发成本。安装时需先配置好 Visual Studio 或 Visual Studio for Mac,并通过 NuGet 或官网下载工具包。
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动画墙纸:将视频、网页、游戏、模拟器变成windows墙纸——Lively Wallpaper
动画墙纸:将视频、网页、游戏、模拟器变成windows墙纸——Lively Wallpaper
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