CucumberPeople 1.3.2 发布


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This eclipse plugin based on RubyMine ,and It includes all Cucumber Features you known,But It's OPEN AND FREE USING

Why we choose CucumberPeople as the eclipse plugin for cucumber,Here is a list of these amazing features:

  • Support language:java and Ruby for cucumber
  • A powerful eclipse plugin with smart coding assistance and advanced testing and debugging features.
  • Syntax highlighting for .feature files
  • Cucumber keywords completion
  • Scenario steps completion from step definitions
  • Checking scenario steps against step definitions instantly
  • Quick 'Go to step definition' navigation (F3 or CTRL+click)
  • Create or Update step definition from usage via quick-fix
  • Cucumber Console to redirect cucumber execution output
  • Integrate many Test case management tools with Cucumber ,e.g. TestRail,TestLink,ALM(By now We only complete the TestRail...)
  • Provide many Cucumber Automation frameworks creation with eclipse wizard,can support java and Ruby well.

For Ruby User ,you need to install eclipse plugin for Ruby ,then you can experience Ruby feature better, here I recommend you use Aptana Studio,Here's the Aptana eclipse Update Site:

Aptana Studio 3 Installation

If you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync our repository and you'll see the new branch.

Install CucumberPeople Plugin

This plugin requires JDK 1.6 or above and Eclipse 3.6 or above. Here we recommend you take to have a view this document to install the CucumberPlugin from eclipse step by step.

Install CucumberPeople Plugin Now



CucumberPeople 网站: 

本文转自hcy's workbench博客园博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者。

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