ArcGIS 9.2 Server Pack 5 蓄势待发


 ArcGIS 9.2补丁真是不少,快把开发人员给淹没了,之前版本的ArcGIS从来没有发布过sp4,现在已经通知马上要发布sp5,修正了大量desktop、engine、server上的bug,估计这应该是9.2最后一组补丁了,记得上次Jack来北京对9.2补丁过多表示过歉意,ESRI美国的工程师为这些补丁也忙的热火朝天,对于ArcGIS Server,经过9.0和9.1两代产品的摸索,逐步将GIS for SOA从理念转变为实际应用,走了一些弯路,9.2开始才能算是定型,接下来就是ArcGIS 9.3、arcgis server javascript api,相信能更加完善,期待更好的表现。

Issues Addressed with ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 5

ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server

  • NIM004108 - ArcGIS PDF export always includes PDF layers in the exported document. There needs to be a way to disable PDF layer generation so viewers of the export file will not be able to see individual layer names.
  • NIM004970 - Performing an Identify operation or interacting with the Editor task can cause SOC processes to be abandoned under heavy load.
  • NIM005584 - After running the Synchronize geoprocessing tool in ArcCatalog, the SDE connections used by the process are released.
  • NIM005856 - The Load Objects option does not work as expected.
  • NIM006584 - The cursor icon of a custom UI tool in ArcMap changes with each click.
  • NIM007166 - ArcCatalog hangs when loading very large ECW files to an SDE geodatabase.
  • NIM007342 - Terrain to Raster geoprocessing tool may produce incomplete results when a problem occurs enforcing a breakline.
  • NIM007442 - The red in color ramps can randomly change to a different color.
  • NIM007610 - Geometries are not always simple after projection. They do not simplify due to efficiency constraints. Such geometries can be displayed unless they are clipped, which occurs when zooming in, or sending the map to a printer/output file. Clipping makes the non-simple polygon worse, and polygons are displayed inside-out. This fix in Clip performs a simple and inexpensive check for simplicity along the boundary of the clipping window. If an inconsistency is found, Clip bails out, Simplify is called, and another Clip is performed. Simplify is called only when needed.
  • NIM007623 - SDE-based terrain dataset can't be previewed by a user with SELECT privilege.
  • NIM008140 - ArcIMS Image Service: When selecting features in a scale-dependent sublayer, the selected feature indication (blue outline) should not be drawn on-screen when the sublayer is not drawn due to the map's current scale.
  • NIM008692 - When extracting data or creating a checkout based on a selection set, the selection set can have more than 1000 features or rows.
  • NIM008701 - 3D Toolbar based Natural Neighbors and TIN to Raster result is not persisted correctly for immediate use by other tools in ArcMap.
  • NIM009501 - Windows NON-Administrator user cannot add a JPEG to an ArcGIS client such as ArcMap and ArcCatalog.
  • NIM009632 - File geodatabase performance is poor when multiple computers whose names exceed 14 characters are accessing its data.
  • NIM009652 - The polygon contiguity method (build neighbor list function), when used with the Hot Spot Analysis tool, does not include the target polygon in the list of neighbor features. As a consequence, results from the Hot Spot Analysis tool aren’t accurate.
  • NIM009714 - NewMarker and NewPolygon graphic element tools do not work correctly if CompositeGraphicsLayer or Annotation Group has a spatial reference that differs from that of the data frame.
  • NIM009829 - [WMS v* GetFeatureInfo]: GetFeatureInfo request with an ArcGIS Server WMS service returns no result when the feature's field values are NULL.
  • NIM010212 - The Multipart To Singlepart tool fails with polygon feature classes containing very thin parts.
  • NIM010294 - When double-clicking a map document or globe document to launch it from a Web page, such as ArcGIS Online, it doesn't open correctly; the application is left running in the background as a task. ArcMap, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene should open correctly when launched from a Web page, making it easy for Internet data publishers to provide map and globe documents on their Web sites to enable Desktop users to access their services easily.
  • NIM010450 - SelectFeatures with a spatial query does not work when using a query geometry that is a GeometryBag with more than one feature in it.
  • NIM010511 - The translation for a parameter on the Set Representation Control Point By Angle geoprocessing tool is not loading properly.
  • NIM010981 - Representations do not display features with NULL geometries.
  • NIM011182 - Converting geodatabase annotation to coverage annotation crashes when more than 10,000 features are converted.
  • NIM011533 - ArcMap crashes after intersecting smoothed polygons.
  • NIM011631 - Labels disappear in the upper part of the ArcMap data frame if data is in a geographic coordinate system and the projection of the data frame is set to a projected coordinate system.
  • NIM011804 - Some MrSID files are displayed in the incorrect projection in ArcGIS 9.2.
  • NIM012000 - Creating a new feature in an edit session for a feature class joined to a table stored in a DB2 database fails with the error Create Feature Task could not be completed.
  • NIM012002 - Symbols in a temporal layer in an Engine application do not scale properly.
  • NIM012065 - Solaris: The MosaicToNewRaster geoprocessing tool fails on Solaris 10.
  • NIM012104 - Performing network analysis using the Network Analysis Web service or after programmatically copying NAContext leaks the memory associated with the network analysis layer’s input and output network analysis classes.
  • NIM012153 - Microsoft Vista: Allow Copy/Paste of a personal geodatabase with managed rasters to work correctly when a copy of the personal geodatabase already exists in the target location.
  • NIM012154 - Copy/Paste of a file geodatabase does not work correctly on Vista.
  • NIM012188 - When the Open MXD button is used in the EngineControls sample to switch from mxd with custom layer to blank mxd, the custom layer is not unloading properly.
  • NIM012216 - NAStopsRenderer crashes if it is assigned to a feature class that is not a network analysis class. This can occur when assigning the renderer to a recordset, shapefile, or geodatabase feature class that was the result of exporting out the stops network analysis class.
  • NIM012316 - Enable Zoom to Layer for map server layers of geoprocessing service results in ArcMap and ArcGIS Explorer.
  • NIM012371 - ArcMap crashes when reconciling a child version to SDE.DEFAULT in a specific scenario.
  • NIM012488 - Service Area polygons have holes where there are multiple breaks specified. The smaller break results in a polygon with a hole, while the larger break should have reached the lines within the hole. The area in the hole should be covered by a polygon from the larger break value.
  • NIM012549 - Dimension feature shapes are overly expanded for some spatial reference/reference scale combinations.
  • NIM012871 - Editing of SDE annotation feature fails in 9.1 after upgrading from 8.3.
  • NIM012898 - The IVersionDataChangesInit.Init method now allows the TargetVersionedWorkspace argument to reference the default version.
  • NIM012938 - Problems with the conflict resolution dialog occur when non-versionable layers are in the Map Document.
  • NIM012958 - Select by Location performed on the layer with a Definition Query that returns more than 10000 records fails with an Unexpected error when using an ArcIMS, SDE, or file geodatabase.
  • NIM013010 - Building a map cache from a compressed file gdb feature class can exhaust memory and lead to a crash.
  • NIM013067 - UNIX: Did not support A.TOC files, whether loaded directly from an Add Data button or indirectly through a *.lyr, *.pmf, or *.mxd file.
  • NIM013169 - Numeric attribute values for volume output by the TIN Difference geoprocessing tool are incorrect.
  • NIM013171 - ArcMap and ArcCatalog crashes while adding or previewing an ERDAS Imagine 16bit colormap image that contains negative values.
  • NIM013180 - Memory leak with SpatialFilter when using a SpatialRelDescription on a search.
  • NIM013194 - Editing tools are inserting an extra vertex when working with circular arc curves. This is because calling Simplify adds the additional vertex to circular arcs.
  • NIM013246 - Representation symbology does not display correctly when a join is present.
  • NIM013293 - Where clauses of the form “value = field” can give incorrect results when the field is indexed and on the left side of the join for file geodatabases and shapefiles.
  • NIM013300 - The network attribute values are incorrect for every millionth feature.
  • NIM013326 - Select By Location does not select from multiple layers in ArcGIS 9.2 SP4.
  • NIM013432 - Reconciling a grandchild of Default Directly with Default fails when edits cascade to a geometric network with inconsistent connectivity.
  • NIM013456 - Export to Shapefile fails when the underlying feature class contains a BLOB.
  • NIM013478 - Negative Radii don't persist in the construction grid.
  • NIM013479 - The Spatial Adjustment tool can edit cadastral fabric features; the cadastral fabric shape should only be edited by Least Squares Adjustment.
  • NIM013487 - Crash occurs when adding a field programmatically, and the data is corrupted.
  • NIM013488 - Finish Job crashes on data appended that is out of extents.
  • NIM013489 - Line with no accuracy settings that are imported into the cadastral fabric should be <null>.
  • NIM013490 - When creating a New Plan and a Construction, the Compiled flag is set to true, causing the Cadastral Editor to set an accuracy of 5.
  • NIM013492 - When using the construction grid with the Cadastral Editor, invalid characters may be presented when re-ordering points.
  • NIM013493 - There are inconsistent results from Least Squares Adjustment.
  • NIM013506 - Use correct default curve value for a curve with a central angle over 180 degrees. The default curve value will be empty for this cell until specified otherwise.
  • NIM013507 - During a Join, if a curve has a central angle close to 180 degrees, and is rescaled larger, the rendering in the packet is skewed.
  • NIM013529 - Dimension features leak GDI objects when updated.
  • NIM013534 - AnswerWorks search in ArcGIS Desktop Help will stop functioning after a Microsoft Windows update.
  • NIM013547 - When deleting a map service on Vista, ArcCatalog crashes occasionally.
  • NIM013598 - If Cancel is used during a cadastral fabric Finish Job, some changes could be saved to the database.
  • NIM013632 - Service Area Polygon features may not generate when edge elements are very short, such as when modeling routing within buildings.
  • NIM013665 - When creating a cadastral fabric job, some parcels may not render correctly.
  • NIM013673 - The Cadastral Editor is automatically setting legal dates when splitting a parcel using construction lines to 12:00a.m.
  • NIM013803 - The private tables of a raster are not correctly removed when the raster is deleted using an ArcView license.
  • NIM013890 - A composite locator containing locators with long connection string (from Oracle direct connect or long hostnames) cannot be used for matching and setting locator properties.
  • NIM013916 - Extract Data of a Geometric Network with an invalid connectivity crashes the application.
  • NIM013932 - Label halos are lost when exporting a map to PDF format using ArcGIS Server (MapServer).
  • NIM013965 - When choosing an ArcIMS image service in the Identify dialog's Layers drop-down list, then using the Identify tool, only those sublayers in the service that are currently turned on and drawn at the current scale should be identified. Without this fix, all the sublayers in the service are identified, which is incorrect and reduces performance.
  • NIM013978 - Line events with large offsets do not display in some cases.
  • NIM031045 - If a diagram link has a label centered on it, the user is unable to add a vertex to the link at that location.
  • NIM031065 - Raster data defined as State Plane feet in 9.1 is coming into 9.2 as State Plane meters.
  • NIM031073 - Overrides in Grid don't work if the value is a 1-digit number.
  • NIM031074 - Delta for circular curve may be stored larger than 180 degrees.
  • NIM031076 - New From Parent should adhere to the accuracy of the parent parcel, not the plan.
  • NIM031077 - Snap Tips may not display correctly using cadastral fabrics.
  • NIM031079 - Handle control points imported into a fabric with a geographic coordinate system from a projected coordinate source.
  • NIM031082 - Fabric's Job Table is corrupted in some workflows.
  • NIM031086 - Delete line point has an endless loop workflow.
  • NIM031089 - When copy/pasting CAD lines into the cadastral fabric construction grid, the lines should have a null accuracy level.
  • NIM031090 - The Misclose Bearing on the parcel properties should be in the direction format of its plan.
  • NIM031112 - Correct searching neighborhood problems for IDW that were introduced in 9.2.
  • NIM031113 - A Where clause on indexed file geodatabase string fields returns incorrect results if the string value has spaces on the end (i.e., example ).
  • NIM031114 - Copy/Paste of a File Geodatabase from a folder with read-only permissions to a folder with full permissions results in a folder no longer seen as a File Geodatabase.
  • NIM031115 - Identify: Some date/time fields are incorrectly presented as hyperlinks in the Identify dialog in 9.2.
  • NIM031116 - Allows copy/paste from Access or SDE with long domain descriptions to work when going to file geodatabase. Personal geodatabase allows a description as long as 255 characters. File geodatabase was limited to 160 characters.
  • NIM031117 - An update cursor that specifies subfields fails with file geodatabases on a selection set when an edit session is active.
  • NIM031140 - Mobile server failed to log any information related to mobile service at all logging levels.
  • NIM031162 - Orientation of the raster is incorrect if anisotropy is specified in the Wizard when the variogram is saved as a raster.
  • NIM031163 - Building construction lines that do not close to form a polygon in Cadastral Editor may cause unexpected behavior.
  • NIM031182 - Clicking the OK button more than once while setting up a Tracking Server connection in ArcCatalog creates a duplicate connection.
  • NIM031183 - Importing changes for a replica may fail if there are many changes concentrated in a small area.
  • NIM031195 - ArcCatalog crashes when repairing the data source for a geostatistical layer. This occurs when the source data is moved or renamed.
  • NIM031210 - A relationship may be broken when synchronizing several generations of changes involving a feature and its related data with a 2-way replica.
  • NIM031238 - A DBMS table not found error is returned when exporting changes to an XML file when the owner of the replica does not own the replicated data.
  • NIM031256 - Cartographic line symbols intermittently do not maintain CMYK color values when exported to EPS format from ArcMap.
  • NIM031261 - Editing custom tracking actions and browsing to a server folder that contains an Excel file can cause the application to crash.
  • NIM031263 - .Net/VB6 engine applications can fail by throwing an exception when listing the services available from a Tracking Server.
  • NIM031321 - The Merge Parcel command may not behave properly when an OID of 1 is used.
  • NIM031322 - Group Layers are missing their layer type in the layer information reported by the map service. Instead of stating the layer is a Group Layer, the map service returns an empty string. This occurs with ArcGIS Server (MapLayerInformation) and ArcIMS ArcMap Server (arcmaptype attribute in LAYERINFO).
  • NIM031328 - Point symbol draws a larger size than designated in output when the map contains masking and character marker symbols.
  • NIM031351 - After two attempts at modifying and saving a large diagram (70,000 or more features), ArcMap crashes.
  • NIM031352 - When the linear dispatch layout algorithm had a parameter for the User Defined Minimum Shift close to 0 (.0005 for example), it caused a crash.
  • NIM031353 - Opening a 9.2 .mxd containing a schematic diagram can crash ArcMap if the diagram used an algorithm that is not configured on the machine opening the .mxd.
  • NIM031354 - Importing a .mxd that has a feature layer containing a large number of filters corrupts the Schematic dataset.
  • NIM031355 - Export Diagram needs to export the diagram name and diagram type name as individual fields.
  • NIM031356 - The Move Leaves check box on the Linear Dispatch algorithm properties should be unchecked by default.
  • NIM031372 - Improve memory usage for reading spatial referencing of TIFF format.
  • NIM031373 - Auxiliary file (.aux.xml) created for NITF in 9.3 is not readable in 9.2.
  • NIM031386 - Several Help topics have been updated to reflect the latest software development. Edits have been made to the Geostatistical Analyst Help sections as well as the geodatabase and ArcSDE Help sections.
  • NIM031387 - Domain association is lost when using geoprocessing Copy or ArcCatalog Copy/Paste from ArcSDE Oracle to a file geodatabase when using a specific workflow.
  • NIM031405 - Extended attribute on Jobs table not copied.
  • NIM031407 - Crash occurs when copying a fabric if it is related to another fabric through a relationship.
  • NIM031408 - LSA is corrupting fabric's datum information when fabric is in GCS.
  • NIM031409 - Cadastral adjustment report--inconsistent use of units.
  • NIM031410 - Append does not add non-linked control points from file.
  • NIM031426 - The UPPER and LOWER SQL functions do not work on the right hand side of a join.
  • NIM031427 - The BETWEEN SQL operator does not work correctly when used in Query Def that includes a join.
  • NIM031428 - Copying a file geodatabase multipatch feature class with the geoprocessing Copy command on UNIX platforms fatals Engine. This problem does not occur on Windows.
  • NIM031444 - When Recordset does not contain ObjectID, QueryFeatureData() throws an error because of serialization/deserialization failure. It works correctly for DCOM connection, but fails for LAN, Internet, and WSDL.
  • NIM031446 - Service Area Solver: Solving on a large number of facilities generating small service area polygons (e.g., 300 meter) with a relatively large trim distance (e.g., 100 m) could result in some empty geometries that are not handled properly and cause the system to crash.
  • NIM031451 - Running the Dissolve tool repeatedly causes the operation to slow down and eventually the tool fails with an error.
  • NIM031453 - When reconciling the synchronization version with the replica version and defining conflicts by value, more conflicts appear than expected.
  • NIM031474 - Significant updates have been made to the ArcGIS Server .NET SDK Help and Samples since SP3. Delivering these updates to users allows them to synchronize their installed Help so that it reflects the current information available on EDN.
  • NIM031500 - Removed ArcScan registry key that forces ArcMap 9.2 to save exported ERDAS Imagine rasters as RLE compression even if NONE was selected.
  • NIM031504 - Unexpected results when inserting vertices on a complex edge after specific reconcile scenario.
  • NIM031516 - The geoprocessing Copy tool loses domain associations when copying from ArcSDE to a file geodatabase in data-specific situations.
  • NIM031622 - Export Dataset does not properly set the associated feature class in some cases.
  • NIM031697 - Edits are not sent during a synchronization for a 2-way replica if the only edits to synchronize are updates or deletes to features brought in from a previous synchronization.
  • NIM031747 - The output from the Add Field tool is not updated when a field is added to a raster attribute table.
  • NIM032005 - Using the Extract Data command to extract a large number of feature classes\tables to a file geodatabase can cause ArcMap to crash.
  • NIM032235 - Copying and pasting a cadastral fabric, or a feature dataset that contains a fabric, may fail in a situation where there is more than one fabric in the same SDE geodatabase with the same fabric name but with different user names.

ArcGIS Server for .Net

  • NIM012824 - The mobile map cache fails to draw when accessed through an encrypted password.

ArcGIS Server for Java

  • NIM012087 - The Slope geoprocessing tool fails on RHEL 4 and SUSE 9 at ArcGIS Engine 9.2 SP3.
  • NIM012240 - Hatches are not showing up on the map using ArcGIS Server 9.2 on Solaris.
  • NIM012528 - Memory leak occurs when using a .NET- based COM component through Java Interop.
  • NIM012683 - Resizing the map control during rendering can cause map contents to disappear.
  • NIM013773 - Snapping does not work in Web editing task post SP4 for ArcGIS Server Java Platform.

ArcGIS Server - ArcSDE (the list will be available soon)


ArcMap Server

  • NIM012416 - Query functionality does not work in the HTML viewer when working with an embedded map service in an ArcMap Service.
  • NIM012804 - SDO materialized views for a feature service in ArcIMS 9.2 SP 1 does not display in ArcMap.
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arcgis server 修改IP后服务无法启动
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 ip修改后会出现服务无法启动的现象,亲测解决方法如下: 找到Server站点的配置目录下的“arcgisserver\config-store\machines”目录。
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