Type: None Graph Theory 2-SAT Articulation/Bridge/Biconnected Component Cycles/Topological Sorting/Strongly Connected Component Shortest Path Bellman Ford Dijkstra/Floyd Warshall Euler Trail/Circuit Heavy-Light Decomposition Minimum Spanning Tree Stable Marriage Problem Trees Directed Minimum Spanning Tree Flow/Matching Graph Matching Bipartite Matching Hopcroft–Karp Bipartite Matching Weighted Bipartite Matching/Hungarian Algorithm Flow Max Flow/Min Cut Min Cost Max Flow DFS-like Backtracking with Pruning/Branch and Bound Basic Recursion IDA* Search Parsing/Grammar Breadth First Search/Depth First Search Advanced Search Techniques Binary Search/Bisection Ternary Search Geometry Basic Geometry Computational Geometry Convex Hull Pick's Theorem Game Theory Green Hackenbush/Colon Principle/Fusion Principle Nim Sprague-Grundy Number Matrix Gaussian Elimination Matrix Exponentiation Data Structures Basic Data Structures Binary Indexed Tree Binary Search Tree Hashing Orthogonal Range Search Range Minimum Query/Lowest Common Ancestor Segment Tree/Interval Tree Trie Tree Sorting Disjoint Set String Aho Corasick Knuth-Morris-Pratt Suffix Array/Suffix Tree Math Basic Math Big Integer Arithmetic Number Theory Chinese Remainder Theorem Extended Euclid Inclusion/Exclusion Modular Arithmetic Combinatorics Group Theory/Burnside's lemma Counting Probability/Expected Value Others Tricky Hardest Unusual Brute Force Implementation Constructive Algorithms Two Pointer Bitmask Beginner Discrete Logarithm/Shank's Baby-step Giant-step Algorithm Greedy Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming