Download ITK 4.8.1
Download Qt 5.4 with MinGW 4.9.1
Download CMake 3.2.0
I assume you've already installed Qt 5.4 with MinGW 4.9.1 and CMake 3.2.0 correctly.
Please intall and configure VTK before the following steps, here is the blog for VTK: VTK 6.3.0 Qt 5.4 MinGW 4.9.1 Configuration 配置.
Start CMake 3.2.0, fill the source and destination:
source: C:/ITK4.8.1/InsightToolkit-4.8.1
destination: C:/ITK4.8.1/build
Click Configure and use MinGW Makefiles to complie.
When first configure is done, select Grouped and Advanced.
click Configure again.
After configure is done (No errors show), click Generate.
Go back to your build folder, open command line, type: mingw32-make
Wait a long time for make process, have a cup of coffee :)
After make is done, type mingw32-make install
Now, the configuration is done, enjoy it :)
本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:Configuration 配置ITK 4.8.1 Qt 5.4 MinGW 4.9.1 ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。