WF4状态机 CTP1发布


今天上午刚刚写了一篇文章其中提到WF4 的状态机最近要发布没想到这么快。


WF State Machine Activity Pack CTP 1

The Microsoft WF State Machine Activity Pack CTP 1 is the first community technology preview (CTP) release of a state machine implementation based on Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET Framework 4 (WF 4). The implementation contains not only a state machine runtime but also a graphical state machine designer.

还发布了WF ADO.NET Activity Pack CTP 1

The Microsoft WF ADO.NET Activity Pack CTP 1 is the first community technology preview (CTP) release of ADO.NET activities implementation based on Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET Framework 4 (WF 4). The implementation contains a set of activities as well as designers based on ADO.NET Data Providers , which enable access to a database through SQL commands or stored procedures within a workflow.

The Microsoft WF ADO.NET Activity Pack CTP 1 includes the following three activities:

  • ExecuteSqlQuery activity allows you to query a database using SQL statement or stored procedure and process the query result.
  • ExecuteSqlQuery<T> activity allows you to get a collection of objects from the query result to be used in the workflow.
  • ExecuteSqlNonQuery activity allows you to modify database using SQL statement or stored procedure, such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.






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状态机(State Machines):理解、设计和应用有限状态机
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