C# Tips 2则


C# Textbox Auto Scroll To End ScrollToCaret Scrolling Textbox
Many of my sample C# codes,
I use textbox to write the results.

When textbox is multiline property set to true, and when I insert text into it,
I want it to auto scroll to the last line.

Here is a simple way to auto scrolling textbox.

textbox1.SelectionStart = textbox1.Text.Length;

Textbox SelectionStart will force the textbox control to select the last part of the text,
and ScrollToCaret() function will auto scroll textbox to the end.


C# Convert Hexadecimal to Binary String Conversion

There is no need to code tons of codes, loops, to convert hex to binary stringConvert.ToInt32 function is very useful for this purpose.
Let's convert the "A" character to binary format.

private string hex2binary(string hexvalue)
string binaryval = "";
binaryval = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexvalue, 16), 2);
return binaryval;
When we call  hex2binary("A"); it will return "1010" similar samples below;
hex2binary(" 1a"); will return " 11010";
hex2bianry(" 1a2c"); will return " 1101000101100"; and so on.
Keep in mind that this  hex to binary conversion style uses  32 bit integer number.

Layui 内置方法 - layer.tips(tips层 )
Layui 内置方法 - layer.tips(tips层 )
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Tips In C
C语言中的使用操作 宏定义时使用do while防止语句的分离, 但是不使用与需要有返回值的语句, 这个时候可以参考第二条 宏定义时使用({}), ()加上{}的方式, 在代码中填写逻辑算法, 最后的一条语句就是该宏定义的返回值; 在使用该宏定义时需要以";"结尾
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