Point Grey articles link


Point Grey areaDetector driver


Bumblebee XB3 Specifications


FlyCapture SDK Example Source Code 


Understanding Format_7 region of interest and pixel binning modes


Using Format_7 modes to control image capture from stereo cameras


How to determine and interpret the Bayer Tile pixel format of a PGR camera.


Understanding YUV data formats


How is color processing performed on my camera’s images?


Different color processing algorithms.


PGR FlyCapture SDK color processing algorithm performance.


Relationship between color processing and number of bits per pixel.


Controlling the white balance of PGR Imaging Products.


Writing color processing software and color interpolation algorithms. 

Transitioning to FlyCapture 2.0 

Acquiring and viewing 16-bit images from Point Grey imaging products.

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:Point Grey articles link


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