- 6.1. Invoking the Server
- 6.1.1. Installing
- Ubuntu
- CentOS 5
- classic Unix-like xinetd daemon
- WebDav
- 项目目录结构
- CentOS 6
- 6.1.2. standalone “daemon” process
- starting subversion for debian/ubuntu
- starting subversion daemon script for CentOS/Radhat
- 6.1.3. classic Unix-like inetd daemon
- 6.1.4. hooks
- post-commit
- 6.1.5. WebDav
- davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
- 6.2. repository 管理
- 6.2.1. create repository
- 6.2.2. user admin
- 6.2.3. authz
- 6.2.4. dump
- 6.3. 使用Subversion
- 6.3.1. Initialized empty subversion repository for project
- 6.3.2. ignore
- 6.3.3. 关键字替换
- 6.3.4. lock 加锁/ unlock 解锁
- 6.3.5. import
- 6.3.6. export 指定版本
- 6.3.7. 修订版本关键字
- 6.3.8. 恢复旧版本
- 6.4. branch
- 6.4.1. create
- 6.4.2. remove
- 6.4.3. switch
- 6.4.4. merge
- 6.4.5. relocate
- 6.5. FAQ
- 6.5.1. 递归添加文件
- 6.5.2. 清除项目里的所有.svn目录
- 6.5.3. color diff
- 6.5.4. cvs2svn
- 6.5.5. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 + WebDAV +Subversion
- 6.5.6. 指定用户名与密码
6.1. Invoking the Server
Squid + Subversion 请参考Squid一节
6.1.1. Installing Ubuntu
过程 6.1. subversion
$ sudo apt-get install subversion$ sudo apt-get install subversion
create svn group and svnroot user
$ sudo groupadd svn $ sudo adduser svnroot --ingroup svn
create repository
$ svnadmin create /home/svnroot/test
svnroot@netkiller:~$ svnserve -d --foreground -r /home/svnroot/
check out
neo@netkiller:/tmp$ svn list svn://localhost/test
you may see some file and directory
neo@netkiller:/tmp$ ls test/.svn/ entries format prop-base props text-base tmp
$ vim repositories/conf/svnserve.conf
[general] anon-access = read auth-access = write password-db = passwd # authz-db = authz # realm = My First Repository
$ vim repositories/conf/passwd
[users] # harry = harryssecret # sally = sallyssecret neo = chen
如果不允许匿名用户checkout代码,配置文件这样写anon-access = none
[general] anon-access = none auth-access = write
$ sudo ufw allow svn CentOS 5
[root@development ~]# yum -y install subversion classic Unix-like xinetd daemon
[root@development ~]# vim /etc/xinetd.d/subversion service subversion { disable = no port = 3690 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = svnroot server = /usr/bin/svnserve server_args = -i -r /home/svnroot }
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 3690 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3690 -j ACCEPT WebDav
install webdav module
[root@development ~]# yum install mod_dav_svn
create directory
mkdir /var/www/repository svnadmin create /var/www/repository
[root@development ~]# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so
<Location /> DAV svn SVNPath /var/www/repository AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/subversion/svn-auth-file Require valid-user </Location>
auth file
[root@development ~]# htpasswd -c /etc/subversion/svn-auth-file my_user_name 项目目录结构
–trunk #存放主线
–branches #存放分支,可修改
–tags #存放标记,不可修改 CentOS 6
CentOS 6 默认没有安装xinetd
# yum install xinetd # yum install subversion # mkdir -p /opt/svnroot
xinetd 配置
# vim /etc/xinetd.d/svn service svn { disable = no port = 3690 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = svnroot server = /usr/bin/svnserve server_args = -i -r /opt/svnroot } # /etc/init.d/xinetd restart Stopping xinetd: [FAILED] Starting xinetd: [ OK ] # tail /var/log/messages | grep xinetd May 5 18:57:20 SZVM42-C1-02 yum: Installed: 2:xinetd-2.3.14-16.el5.i386 May 5 18:59:22 SZVM42-C1-02 xinetd[4558]: Unknown user: svnroot [file=/etc/xinetd.d/svn] [line=8] May 5 18:59:22 SZVM42-C1-02 xinetd[4558]: Error parsing attribute user - DISABLING SERVICE [file=/etc/xinetd.d/svn] [line=8] May 5 18:59:22 SZVM42-C1-02 xinetd[4558]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with libwrap loadavg labeled-networking options compiled in. May 5 18:59:22 SZVM42-C1-02 xinetd[4558]: Started working: 0 available services
service 名字必须与 /etc/services中定义的名字相同,否则将不能启动,同时在/var/log/message中会提示如下
May 4 14:33:08 www xinetd[5656]: service/protocol combination not in /etc/services: subversion/tcp May 4 14:33:08 www xinetd[5656]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with libwrap loadavg labeled-networking options compiled in. May 4 14:33:08 www xinetd[5656]: Started working: 0 available services May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:33 www pulseaudio[21913]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. May 4 14:33:41 www xinetd[5656]: Exiting... May 4 14:33:41 www xinetd[5676]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with libwrap loadavg labeled-networking options compiled in. May 4 14:33:41 www xinetd[5676]: Started working: 1 available service
6.1.2. standalone “daemon” process
svn daemon
$ svnserve --daemon --root /home/svnroot starting subversion for debian/ubuntu
/etc/init.d/subversion for debian/ubuntu
debian:/etc/init.d# cat subversion #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: subversion # Required-Start: $remote_fs $network # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $network # Should-Start: fam # Should-Stop: fam # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Start the subversion subversion server. ### END INIT INFO ######################### # Author: Neo <openunix@163.com> ######################### PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin DAEMON=/usr/bin/svnserve NAME=subversion DESC="subversion server" PIDFILE=/var/run/$NAME.pid SCRIPTNAME=/etc/init.d/$NAME SVNROOT=/srv/svnroot DAEMON_OPTS="-d -T -r $SVNROOT --pid-file $PIDFILE" test -x $DAEMON || exit 0 set -e . /lib/lsb/init-functions case "$1" in start) log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" $NAME echo $DAEMON $DAEMON_OPTS echo `pgrep -o $NAME` > $PIDFILE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ;; stop) log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" $NAME echo killall `basename $DAEMON` > /dev/null 2> /dev/null rm -rf $PIDFILE ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; status) ps ax | grep $NAME ;; *) echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 starting subversion daemon script for CentOS/Radhat
#!/bin/bash # # /etc/rc.d/init.d/subversion # # Starts the Subversion Daemon # # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # # description: Subversion Daemon # processname: svnserve source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions [ -x /usr/bin/svnserve ] || exit 1 ### Default variables SYSCONFIG="/etc/sysconfig/subversion" ### Read configuration [ -r "$SYSCONFIG" ] && source "$SYSCONFIG" RETVAL=0 USER="svnroot" prog="svnserve" desc="Subversion Daemon" start() { echo -n $"Starting $desc ($prog): " daemon --user $USER $prog -d $OPTIONS RETVAL=$? [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/$prog echo } stop() { echo -n $"Shutting down $desc ($prog): " killproc $prog RETVAL=$? [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && success || failure echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$prog return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start RETVAL=$? ;; condrestart) [ -e /var/lock/subsys/$prog ] && restart RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart}" RETVAL=1 esac exit $RETVAL
# Configuration file for the Subversion service # # To pass additional options (for instace, -r root of directory to server) to # the svnserve binary at startup, set OPTIONS here. # #OPTIONS= OPTIONS="--threads --root /srv/svnroot"
6.1.3. classic Unix-like inetd daemon
svn stream tcp nowait svn /usr/bin/svnserve svnserve -i -r /home/svnroot/repositories
$ sudo apt-get install xinetd $ sudo vim /etc/xinetd.d/subversion service subversion { disable = no port = 3690 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = svnroot server = /usr/bin/svnserve server_args = -i -r /home/svnroot }
restart xinetd
$ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
6.1.4. hooks
$ sudo apt-get install subversion-tools post-commit
install SVN::Notify
perl -MCPAN -e 'install SVN::Notify'
$ sudo cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit $ sudo chown svnroot:svn post-commit $ sudo vim post-commit REPOS="$1" REV="$2" #/usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/commit-email.pl "$REPOS" "$REV" openunix@163.com /usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/commit-email.pl "$1" "$2" --from neo@netkiller.8800.org -h localhost -s "[SVN]" --diff y openunix@163.com openx@163.com
#!/bin/sh REPOS="$1" REV="$2" /usr/local/bin/svnnotify \ --repos-path "$REPOS" \ --revision "$REV" \ --subject-cx \ --with-diff \ --handler HTML::ColorDiff \ --to <your e-mail address> \ --from <from e-mail address>
/usr/bin/svnnotify --repos-path "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" \ --from neo@netkiller.8800.org --to openunix@163.com --smtp localhost \ --handler "HTML::ColorDiff" --with-diff --charset zh_CN:GB2312 -g zh_CN --svnlook /usr/bin/svnlook --subject-prefix '[SVN]'
/usr/bin/svnnotify --repos-path "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" \ --from openx@163.com --to openunix@163.com --smtp smtp.163.com --smtp-user openunix --smtp-pass ****** \ --handler "HTML::ColorDiff" --with-diff --charset UTF-8 --language zh_CN --svnlook /usr/bin/svnlook --subject-prefix '[SVN]'
REPOS="$1" REV="$2" svnnotify --repos-path "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" \ --subject-cx \ --from neo.chen@example.com \ --to group@example.com,manager@example.com \ --with-diff \ --svnlook /usr/bin/svnlook \ --subject-prefix '[SVN]' \ --charset UTF-8 --language zh_CN
6.1.5. WebDav
Apache SVN
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-svnnetkiller@neo:/etc/apache2$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-svn
<VirtualHost *> ServerName svn.netkiller.8800.org DocumentRoot /var/svn <Location /> DAV svn SVNPath /var/svn AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn.passwd <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT> Require valid-user </LimitExcept> </Location> </VirtualHost>
netkiller@neo:/etc/apache2$ sudo htpasswd2 -c /etc/apache2/svn.passwd svn New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user svn
sudo htpasswd2 /etc/apache2/svn.passwd otheruser davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
$ sudo apt-get install davfs2
mount a webdav to directory
$ sudo mount.davfs https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller /mnt/davfs/ Please enter the username to authenticate with server https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller or hit enter for none. Username: svn Please enter the password to authenticate user svn with server https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller or hit enter for none. Password: mount.davfs: the server certificate is not trusted issuer: CSIE.org, CSIE.org, Taipei, Taiwan, TW subject: CSIE.org, CSIE.org, Taipei, TW identity: *.csie.org fingerprint: e6:05:eb:fb:69:5d:25:4e:11:3c:83:e8:7c:44:ee:bf:a9:85:a3:64 You only should accept this certificate, if you can verify the fingerprint! The server might be faked or there might be a man-in-the-middle-attack. Accept certificate for this session? [y,N] y
$ ls davfs/ branches lost+found tags trunk
原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札