Given a string representing a code snippet, you need to implement a tag validator to parse the code and return whether it is valid. A code snippet is valid if all the following rules hold:
- The code must be wrapped in a valid closed tag. Otherwise, the code is invalid.
- A closed tag (not necessarily valid) has exactly the following format : <TAG_NAME>TAG_CONTENT</TAG_NAME>. Among them, <TAG_NAME> is the start tag, and </TAG_NAME> is the end tag. The TAG_NAME in start and end tags should be the same. A closed tag is valid if and only if the TAG_NAME and TAG_CONTENT are valid.
- A valid TAG_NAME only contain upper-case letters, and has length in range [1,9]. Otherwise, the TAG_NAMEis invalid.
- A valid TAG_CONTENT may contain other valid closed tags, cdata and any characters (see note1) EXCEPTunmatched <, unmatched start and end tag, and unmatched or closed tags with invalid TAG_NAME. Otherwise, the TAG_CONTENT is invalid.
- A start tag is unmatched if no end tag exists with the same TAG_NAME, and vice versa. However, you also need to consider the issue of unbalanced when tags are nested.
- A < is unmatched if you cannot find a subsequent >. And when you find a < or </, all the subsequent characters until the next > should be parsed as TAG_NAME (not necessarily valid).
- The cdata has the following format : <![CDATA[CDATA_CONTENT]]>. The range of CDATA_CONTENT is defined as the characters between <![CDATA[ and the first subsequent ]]>.
- CDATA_CONTENT may contain any characters. The function of cdata is to forbid the validator to parse CDATA_CONTENT, so even it has some characters that can be parsed as tag (no matter valid or invalid), you should treat it as regular characters.
Valid Code Examples:
Input: "<DIV>This is the first line <![CDATA[<div>]]></DIV>" Output: True Explanation: The code is wrapped in a closed tag : <DIV> and </DIV>. The TAG_NAME is valid, the TAG_CONTENT consists of some characters and cdata. Although CDATA_CONTENT has unmatched start tag with invalid TAG_NAME, it should be considered as plain text, not parsed as tag. So TAG_CONTENT is valid, and then the code is valid. Thus return true. Input: "<DIV>>> ![cdata[]] <![CDATA[<div>]>]]>]]>>]</DIV>" Output: True Explanation: We first separate the code into : start_tag|tag_content|end_tag. start_tag -> "<DIV>" end_tag -> "</DIV>" tag_content could also be separated into : text1|cdata|text2. text1 -> ">> ![cdata[]] " cdata -> "<![CDATA[<div>]>]]>", where the CDATA_CONTENT is "<div>]>" text2 -> "]]>>]" The reason why start_tag is NOT "<DIV>>>" is because of the rule 6. The reason why cdata is NOT "<![CDATA[<div>]>]]>]]>" is because of the rule 7.
Invalid Code Examples:
Input: "<A> <B> </A> </B>" Output: False Explanation: Unbalanced. If "<A>" is closed, then "<B>" must be unmatched, and vice versa. Input: "<DIV> div tag is not closed <DIV>" Output: False Input: "<DIV> unmatched < </DIV>" Output: False Input: "<DIV> closed tags with invalid tag name <b>123</b> </DIV>" Output: False Input: "<DIV> unmatched tags with invalid tag name </1234567890> and <CDATA[[]]> </DIV>" Output: False Input: "<DIV> unmatched start tag <B> and unmatched end tag </C> </DIV>" Output: False
- For simplicity, you could assume the input code (including the any characters mentioned above) only contain letters, digits, '<','>','/','!','[',']' and ' '.
这道题让我们给了我们一个字符串,其实是html的代码,让我们验证其写法是否正确。规定了八条规则,比如说必须是封闭的,标签名必须都是大写,并且不能超过9个字符,还规定了CDATA的一些格式规范,并且给了一些实例,但是说实话,题目中给的这些例子完全不能覆盖OJ中的各种情况,博主这次完全被OJ教育了,每次submit都被OJ打回来,然后分析未通过的test case,修改代码,再提交,再打回,折腾了十几次,终于通过OJ,绿色的Accepted出现的那一刹那,无比的快感,这也是博主能坚持到现在的动力之一吧,当然最主要的动力还是大家的支持与鼓励,博主很喜欢跟大家留言互动哈。下面呈上博主fail过的case,并来分析原因:
"<![CDATA[wahaha]]]><![CDATA[]> wahaha]]>" -> False
"<A><A>/A></A></A>" -> True
"<A> <B> </A> </B>" -> False
"<A></A><B></B>" -> False
"<A><B></B></A>" -> True
没有content data也没关系
"<A>![CDATA[/A>]]></A>" -> True
"123456" -> False
"<A></A>" -> True
没有content data也没关系
"<A></A>>" -> False
"<DIV>>>>>>> ![cdata[]] <![CDATA[<div>]>]]>]]>>]</DIV>" -> True
注意content data的干扰字符
"<a><a></a></a>" -> False
"<A><!CDATAA[[123]]></A>" -> False
"!!!<A>123</A>123" -> False
"<A>123</A>123" -> False
public: bool isValid(string code) { stack<string> st; for (int i = 0; i < code.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0 && st.empty()) return false; if (code.substr(i, 9) == "<![CDATA[") { int j = i + 9; i = code.find("]]>", j); if (i < 0) return false; i += 2; } else if (code.substr(i, 2) == "</") { int j = i + 2; i = code.find(">", j); if (i < 0) return false; string tag = code.substr(j, i - j); if (st.empty() || != tag) return false; st.pop(); } else if (code.substr(i, 1) == "<") { int j = i + 1; i = code.find(">", j); if (i < 0 || i == j || i - j > 9) return false; for (int k = j; k < i; ++k) { if (code[k] < 'A' || code[k] > 'Z') return false; } string tag = code.substr(j, i - j); st.push(tag); } } return st.empty(); } };
本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:[LeetCode] Tag Validator 标签验证器