<?php /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ # require() 语句包含并运行指定文件,和include()几乎完全一样, # 除了处理失败的方式不同之外 require("helper_functions.php"); # 获取桌面json对象 $var = read_desktop_file(); if($var==null) { echo "Json.txt file is empty or doesn't exist."; return; } # 获取图标格点列数,行数 $icon_per_col = $_COOKIE["iconGridCol"]; $icon_per_row = $_COOKIE["iconGridRow"]; # 每一页一共有多少个图标 $icons_per_page = $icon_per_col * $icon_per_row; # isset(): 检测变量是否设置 # 如果page被作为请求参数设置了,那么取出页号,否则为0 $current_page = isset($_GET["page"]) == true ? $_GET["page"] : 0; # 每一个单元格宽,高的所占对应的百分比 $cell_height=100/$icon_per_row; $cell_width=100/$icon_per_col; //Some parts of the code doesn't set the submenu variable when the user is at the Main Menu which is relected in the "top" variable # 如果请求参数里没有设置子菜单,那么就是主菜单 # 查看了当前版本的json.txt文件,其中仅仅有main_menu内容,所以,在分析的时候 # 可以不考虑submenu这个选项,想象力足够的话,也可以考虑在内 $submenu = isset($_GET["submenu"]) == true ? $_GET["submenu"] : "main_menu" ; //A value of -1 disables the next/previous page arrow # 本来就是第一月,到了最前面那一页,不能在往前了 $previous_page = ($current_page != 0) ? $current_page - 1 : -1; # 这里有待进一步的解析,因为var看上去像2维数组,这个要去解析前面的json对象 # 这里count($var[$submenu]["apps"]))是统计json对象在"apps"这个阶层对象的个数 $next_page = (($current_page+1)*$icons_per_page < count($var[$submenu]["apps"])) ? $current_page + 1 : -1; //Only enable exit link if your currently not in the main menu # 仅仅当你不在主页的时候才需要链接到主页 $enable_main_menu_link = $submenu != "main_menu"; # 获取指定的子目录,主要是因为主界面下可能有很多子目录,可以通过这种方式进入子目录 # 而且这种进入子目录的方式是采用在请求参数中指定 $submenu_entry = get_submenu($var,$submenu); # 设置菜单的标题 # 由于解析的json.txt文件里面只有main_menu,没有其他的内容, # 所以我们只能看到:Aplex App Launcher v2 p+页码 # 同时由于app很少,所以页码只能是1,因为current_page总是0 $menu_title = ($submenu == "main_menu") ? "Aplex App Launcher v2 p".($current_page+1) : $submenu_entry["Name"]." Submenu p".($current_page+1); # 起始索引,从当前页开始 $start_index = $current_page * $icons_per_page; # 当前页最后的索引 $end_index = $start_index + $icons_per_page - 1; # 有可能当前页是最后一页,并且最后一页没有占满,所以要修改正最后索引的下标 if(count($var[$submenu]["apps"]) - 1 < $end_index) $end_index = count($var[$submenu]["apps"]) - 1; ?> <!-- 动态设置css样式 --> <!-- 设置图标单元格的样式 --> <style type="text/css"> .icons_cell { height:<?php echo $cell_height; ?>%; /* 设置图标单元格的高比例 */ width:<?php echo $cell_width; ?>%; /* 设置图标单元格的宽比例 */ } </style> <!-- 自动生成菜单栏 --> <?php include "menubar.php"; ?> <!-- 是用table生成Icon List(图标矩阵) --> <table id = "iconlist" > <?php # x: 在这里代表的是行数 # i: 在这里代表的是图标数组的起始索引的下标 for($x = 0,$i = $start_index;$x<$icon_per_row;$x++) { echo "<tr>"; # y: 在这里代表的是列数 for($y = 0;$y<$icon_per_col;$y++,$i++) { # 单元格的相关设置 echo "<td class = 'icons_cell' align = 'center' >"; if($i<=$end_index) { $current_app = $var[$submenu]["apps"][$i]; # 但前要显示的app $img_src = $current_app["Icon"]; # 获取当前app的图标 $app_title = $current_app["Name"]; # 获取当前app的名字 $type = strtolower($current_app["Type"]); # 获取当前app的类型 $class = ""; # 当前app的css修饰 $disable_link = false; # 超级链接 # 如果当前的类型是目录 if($type=="directory") { # 获取分类名字 $category = $current_app["Category"]; # 合成超级链接 $link = "submenu.php?submenu=$category"; # 如果这个分类不存在 if(isset($var[$category]["apps"]) == false) { # 采用这种超级链接,起内容主要是说,这个功能将来会被支持 # 但目前还没有被支持 $link = "coming_soon.php?submenu=$category"; } } elseif($type=="application") # 应用程序 { # 判断是否有超级链接描述 # 就目前的json.txt中的Description_link值而言,都是-1 # 也就是说没有Description_link $has_description_page = $current_app["Description_Link"] != -1; //This check to see if the application doesn't have a description page. If it doesn't then directly launch the application" // 如果没有应用程序描述,那么直接运行程序,如果有程序描述,那么先运行描述文件, // 再通过描述文件来运行app程序 if($has_description_page == false) { # urlencode(): 是指针对网页url中的中文字符的一种编码转换方式 # 没有url描述,那就相当于直接运行程序 $link = "run_script.php?&submenu=".urlencode($submenu)."&app=".urlencode($app_title); //Determine if the application is GUI based. If it is then add a class to the link so the javascript code can //manipulate the link if it needs to if($var[$submenu]["apps"][$i]["ProgramType"]=="gui") $class = "class = 'is_gui_app'"; } else $link = "app_description.php?submenu=".urlencode($submenu)."&app=".urlencode($app_title); } # 合成超级连接 echo "<a href = '$link' $class><img src= '$img_src' ></a>"; # 合成对应的应用标题 echo "<p>$app_title</p>"; } echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> <!-- 总感觉这部分脚本跑完,前面没有描述内容的app都必须跑描述文件了 --> <!-- 从app_description文件内容可知,其实也没事,会提示没有描述内容而已 --> <script> //Don't launch GUI based application directly if the application is being launched remotely //or if the target doesn't have an attached graphic device if(client_is_host == false || has_graphics == false) { // 遍历所有的带有".is_gui_app"class $('.is_gui_app').each(function(index) { var link = $(this).attr("href"); // 获取超级链接 var new_link = link.substr(link.indexOf("&submenu=")); // 获取参数 new_link = "app_description.php?" + new_link; // 合成新的超级链接 $(this).attr("href",new_link); // 重新设置超级链接 }); } </script>