
简介: Chapters Libraries Dojo ( http://dojotoolkit.org) ExtJS/Sencha ( http://extjs.com) Google jQuery ( http://jquery.


Studio ships with the ability for users to extend support for JavaScript libraries in content assist. Below is a list of libraries and content assist files we've located that should be compatible with Studio. This is not a complete list, and compatibility is not guaranteed, but if you see something on this list and it doesn't work, please let us know.

Dojo (http://dojotoolkit.org)

The XML files Dojo ships require a little bit of massaging to be readable by the Studio content assist processor.

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).

Alternately, to update docs to a newer version (should one come out)

ExtJS/Sencha (http://extjs.com)

Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).


Drop the VSDoc files into your Web Project.

jQuery (http://jquery.org)


Drop the SDOCML file anywhere into your Web Project (feel free to put it in a special folder).


Install the jQuery ruble and reference it:

  1. Commands > Install Bundle > jQuery
  2. Right click on a project, select Properties > Project Build Path and select the checkbox for jQuery 1.6.2.

If you already have the jQuery bundle:

  1. Choose Commands > Bundle Development > Update User Bundles


  1. Find the Aptana Rubles folder on your system
  2. Delete the Ruble
  3. Restart Studio
  4. Install the Ruble again as above

OpenLayers (http://openlayers.org/)

There is a current bug with adding the single http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js file to a project to get content assist. As a workaround:

Note that this technique will not actually show documentation on the classes. For that, we need a SDOCML file which could be created from the source Natural Docs.

YUI (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/)

Drop the SDOCML file into your Web Project.

Not currently supported with API Docs

The libraries below may have supported SDOC files in https://github.com/aptana/frameworks/tree/master/plugins/, however, we are in the process of converted them to SDOCML or JSCA formats. If you'd like to assist, please let us know.

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