Delphi XE2 update4 很快就要来了

简介: Changes and New Features in XE2 Update 4 This update includes the fol...

Changes and New Features in XE2 Update 4

This update includes the following new and changed features:
Firemonkey OS X changes: Printing is now supported
Performance improvements have been added for: FMX.TEdit
FMX.Memo.TMemo FMX.Memo.TMemo.Text now has public access (previously had published access).

Loading a form from DLL is now supported
The IDE supports Mac Sandboxing (see Entitlement List)

FireMonkey iOS changes: Support for Free Pascal version 2.6.0 has been added
iOS device 3 is no longer supported
TabBar is available on the top of the screen (not on the bottom)
Scrolling behavior is improved

    半年发布了4个update,说明EMB 现在对Delphi 还是比较重视的,同时这4 个Update 基本上都是针对

Firemonkey更新的,说明了EMB 对跨平台的信心, 希望firemonkey 尽快发展,提供Android 的开发直接


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