Devexpress VCL Build v2011 vol 2.6 发布

简介: New Features/Changes ExpressBars Suite S39446 - Documentation - The "TdxStatusBarContainerPanelStyle Object" help topic - Add information about ho...

New Features/Changes

ExpressBars Suite

  • S39446 - Documentation - The "TdxStatusBarContainerPanelStyle Object" help topic - Add information about how to assign a control to a container panel

ExpressLayout Control

  • S39447 - Return -1 as the function result if the client height or width cannot be obtained via the layout control's OccupiedClientHeight or OccupiedClientWidth function call


  • S35522 - Documentation - The "TdxCustomMemData.SortedField" topic - Add a note that sorting is not performed by calculated fields
  • S34252 - Documentation - Update the "How to Add Different Types of Data to ExpressMemData" and "How to Populate ExpressMemData via Direct Memory Access" topics

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • S39064 - OLAP mode - Add the capability to display localizable hints for images representing KPI values

ExpressPrinting System

  • S39327 - All Report Links - Improve performance when destroying a report's data before rebuilding this report or after deactivating a report link

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Q393681 - Reduce the number of Scheduler.FullRefresh method calls made after an appointment has been resized or moved via drag and drop

Common Libraries


  • S34365 - Documentation - Describe the PostEditingData method
  • S35997 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomDataController.OnSortingChanged" help topic
  • S34559 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomDataController.SetValue" help topic

ExpressEditors Library

  • S35851 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomEditProperties.ImmediatePost" help topic
  • S39389 - TdxBreadcrumbEdit - Introduce an event that will fire before the node drop-down menu is shown


  • S139821 - TcxPropertiesStore - Make the RestoreFrom and StoreTo methods virtual

Resolved Issues

ExpressBars Suite

  • B222670 - AutoSize does not work correctly with TdxRibbonForm if TForm.BorderStyle is not equal to bsSizeble / bsSizeToolWin, and Windows Aero is enabled
  • B213265 - dxRibbonForm - Form borders are not drawn correctly in the LowColors display mode
  • Q395179 - Hints are not displayed for a TcxDBNavigator control embedded into TdxBarControlContainerItem
  • B223472 - Ribbon - If a BackstageView menu's item is focused, closing BackstageView requires pressing the Esc key twice
  • B214543 - Ribbon - Office 2007 Style - Text is centered in contextual tab labels, rather than left-aligned as per the Ribbon UI design guidelines
  • Q389244 - Ribbon - The caption of hot-tracked or active in-place bar editors is erroneously highlighted
  • B223052 - TcxHintStyleController misplaces hints shown for bar items that reside near the bottom of the desktop if the controller's HintStyle.CallOutPosition property is set to cxbpAuto
  • B221915 - TdxBarPopupMenu produces shadow artifacts in applications run via Remote Desktop
  • B213266 - TdxRibbon - An incorrect background color for the Hot and Pressed states of ApplicationButton in LowColors mode
  • B213268 - TdxRibbon - Fading Engine ignores the TdxRibbon.ColorScheme.LowColors property value
  • B223554 - TdxRibbonForm - Top-left and top-right corners are drawn incorrectly under Windows XP if TdxRibbon.Visible is set to False before the form is shown
  • B223652 - TdxRibbonStatusBar - Toolbar painters are not refreshed correctly after a value of the TdxRibbonStatusBar.Ribbon property is changed
  • B202869 - Ribbon Gallery - The Gallery filter does not work

ExpressDocking Library

  • Q388117 - If changing the TdxTabContainerDockSite.ActiveChildIndex property, the child receives focus even if the focus was in another dock panel

ExpressLayout Control

  • B222816 - Disabling a right-aligned caption displaces it if the currently applied look and feel style has the СaptionOptions.TextDisabledColor property assigned within the ItemOptions or GroupOptions property set


  • B222522 - Item settings restored with any of the LoadFrom~ methods do not take into account settings of TAction objects linked to items
  • B223040 - The OnLinkPress and OnLinkHotTrack events are not raised for links displayed in the popup window of the collapsed Navigation Pane

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • B222998 - TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataset is incorrectly populated when multiple cells are selected in the related TcxPivotGrid control
  • B223584 - The pivot grid freezes when sorted by summary values and two or more column/row group fields are sorted in descending order

ExpressPrinting System

  • Q391874 - Empty cells are displayed in a report for card rows with the Options.ShowData property set to False
  • B222421 - LayoutControl Report Link - An AV occurs when printing the layout control if no handle is associated with it and one of its items is linked to an external control
  • Q387287 - PivotGrid Report Link - A field with the assigned Properties property does not print data returned via the field's OnGetDisplayText event handler
  • B223566 - Progress bar columns print zeros instead of the progress value if this value has a fractional part
  • B223449 - Scheduler Report Link - Gantt View - Task groups and milestones are printed as normal events
  • B213086 - The "Can't convert Null to Double" exception occurs when PivotGrid with the ProgressBar column is being printed
  • B213228 - The bug fix for Issue ID: Q381487 breaks the FitToPage command's functionality

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • B222370 - Layout View - An AV occurs when switching tabs in a tabbed group after a grid item that is associated with one of the group's items has been programmatically hidden and then positioned again within the group in customization mode
  • Q386873 - A style specified in the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event handler is not applied if the View's OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is enabled
  • B207169 - An AV occurs if raising an exception in the OnDetailFirst event handler and then closing the form
  • Q394882 - An AV occurs when holding the mouse down on the column header and scrolling the View by the mouse wheel at the same time
  • B223011 - ChartView that displays a Pie chart generates an exception if there's no room to display data
  • B222107 - cxGrid hangs in Master-Detail mode when the Detail view's Navigator is visible, the ColumnAutoWidth property is set to True, and the last visible row is expanded
  • B222213 - Documentation - TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo - The Bounds and Params class fields are not documented
  • B212876 - Layout View - Master-Detail - An AV occurs when adding records to different Layout Views used as detail Views
  • B223051 - The Apply Filter button displayed in a filter drop-down window cannot be localized
  • B199481 - The FilterBox.MRUItemsListDropDownCount property value does not persist in DFM files if the value is 10
  • B211818 - The grid content disappears when time-consuming operations are running in the OnSelectionChanged event handler

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • B223120 - A connection line is drawn incorrectly when creating a task link if the Scheduler.OptionsView.ViewPosition property has the vpRight value
  • B204122 - An AV occurs when cutting an event from the scheduler using the Ctrl+X key combination
  • B222508 - cxSchedulerStorage - Events are created with incorrect time values if the storage's StoreUsingGlobalTime property is set to True
  • Q398146 - Incorrect drawing '12 AM' label on the time ruler if current locale in the operation system is Arabic
  • B212816 - Right-clicking the Date Navigator's vertical or horizontal splitter unexpectedly resizes the Date Navigator pane if a scheduler control was recently resized or displayed for the first time
  • B222495 - Scheduler - Text of the "lbInformation" label in Event Editor is unreadable in dark skins
  • B223511 - TcxSchedulerDBStorage - An event's properties that correspond to read-only storage fields can be modified
  • Q392147 - The <Scheduler>.SelFinish property is not correctly synchronized with the Event.Finish property after selecting Event in <Scheduler>.ViewTimeGrid
  • B222126 - The ID property value type of the newly created Scheduler's Event is Unassigned instead of a Null value after upgrading ExpressScheduler from 11.1.x to 11.2.5
  • B213208 - The Scheduler.SelStart and Scheduler.SelFinish properties have the NullDate value if ViewTimeGrid is active on startup
  • B222549 - The TcxSchedulerStorage.IsRecurrenceAvailable function does not check the RecurrenceInfoField.IsActive property
  • B223515 - TimeGrid and Gantt Views - Scrolling to an event whose Duration is 0 using navigation buttons never shows the event in the View and leaves a clicked navigation button always active
  • B222833 - When SmartRefresh is active, a custom event of a recurring event isn't a deleted properly

ExpressSkins Library

  • B223232 - Scheduler - The RigthBottom and RightTop corners of all day event are not drawn completely when the DevExpress Style and DevExpress Dark Style skins are used
  • B222664 - TcxComboBox - Buttons background not drawn if Skin uses and DropDownListStyle = lsFixedList
  • B223230 - TdxNavBar - Glyph for a drop-down button of OverflowPanel is drawn incorrectly in the hover state when one of the Blueprint, DevExpress Style, DevExpress Dark Style, VS2010 or White Print skins is used
  • B214385 - The control's <Style>.BorderColor is not taken into account when a skin is applied
  • Q390563 - The FooterPanel.TextColor value set in SkinEditor is not applied to the grid


  • Q396901 - The dxSpellChecker.IsValidWord method works differently than described in the documentation


  • B223957 - Application freezes if a cell's text is justified and a font applied to this cell defines a non-space character as BreakChar (for instance, the Calibry font)
  • B223266 - Error when removing a table sheet if another sheet contains a formula referencing the sheet being removed
  • B223263 - Save/Load changes columns' width if large fonts are active in the operating system

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • B222521 - The TcxRTTIInspector does not work with FIBPlus components

Common Libraries


  • B214160 - DevExpress data-aware controls bound to the same dataset do not synchronize their focused record in response to changing the dataset's active record

ExpressEditors Library

  • B223074 - An Access Violation exception occurs when posting an invalid path to BreadcrumbEdit and showing a message dialog in the BreadcrumbEdit.OnPathValidate event handler
  • Q23737 - Controls are not aligned automatically when placed on TdxStatusBarContainerControl in runtime mode, even if TdxStatusBarContainerPanelStyle.AlignControl = True.
  • B223035 - cxSpinEdit used as in-place editor - An AV occurs when closing an application after any spin button has been pressed if Properties.ImmediatePost is True
  • B222275 - Data-aware editors - Refreshing a bound dataset within its EnableControls/DisableControls method blocks may result in data loss in RAD Studio XE2 Update 4
  • B223975 - DevExpress UI elements may blend with a background if the High Contrast White theme is applied
  • B213166 - Documentation - The TcxDragDropSettings.DefaultDropEffect property description is incorrect
  • B221933 - Documentation - The TdxTreeCustomNode class is not documented
  • B222994 - dxShellBreadcrumbEdit - The "Invalid class casting" exception is thrown after calling the UpdateContent method if DropDownMenu for a Node is active
  • B213307 - ExpressEditors are erroneously painted by VCL styles, as if they are standard VCL editors
  • B223737 - Intersections of transparent DevExpress editors and double-buffered controls may appear opaque
  • B222506 - Subject - cxMemo - Scrollbars do not appear at runtime if the Align and Properties.ScrollBars properties are set to alClient and ssBoth respectively
  • B222917 - TcxButton is erroneously painted by VCL styles as if it is a standard VCL button
  • Q396400 - TcxCustomMaskEdit descendants - Changing TcxFormatController settings resets the editor's Property.MaxLength property to 0 if the editor has no mask specified
  • B222695 - TcxDBImage - Calling a bound dataset's Post method clears the image pasted from the clipboard if the editor's Properties.ImmediatePost property is set to True
  • Q396277 - TcxShellTreeView - A newly created folder cannot be selected if the Root.BrowseFolder property is set to a value other than bfDesktop
  • B223393 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit prohibits assigning of a newly created folder to the SelectedPath property if the Properties.ShellOptions.Root.BrowseFolder property is set to a value other than bfDesktop


  • B213052 - In Delphi XE2 64-bit, an AV occurs in the cxGraphics.cxCompareBitmaps function
  • B214342 - XLSX file is corrupted if exported data contains values whose character codes are less than $1F
vue cli3.0创项目报错‘This may cause things to work incorrectly. Make sure to use the same version for b’
vue cli3.0创项目报错‘This may cause things to work incorrectly. Make sure to use the same version for b’
vue cli3.0创项目报错‘This may cause things to work incorrectly. Make sure to use the same version for b’
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已经快到2015 年了。 14.2.1 beta 才出来了。 还好,有一些新东西。 官网地址 VCL Gauge Control   Designed to clearly convey information at a glance, gauges are a significant data visualization part of dashboards.
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