KBMMW 4.83.00 发布

简介: 新版本又来了,端午节都不让大家过好:) 这次终于支持ios 64了,不用我再手工改了。 Components4Developers is a company established in 1999 with the purpose of providing high quality development tools for developers and enterprises.


这次终于支持ios 64了,不用我再手工改了。

Components4Developers is a company established in 1999 with the purpose
of providing high quality development tools for developers and
enterprises. The primary focus is on SOA, EAI and systems integration
via our flagship product kbmMW.

kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server and
enterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework for
Win32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux,
Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many other places.
It is currently used as the backbone in hundreds of central systems, in
hospitals, courts, private, industries, offshore industry, finance,
telecom, governements, schools, laboratories, rentals, culture
institutions, FDA approved medical devices, military and more.

4.83.00 June 21 2015

        Important notes (changes that may break existing code)
        * Added OwnerName string argument to
          TkbmMWOnAuthenticateMetaData, TkbmMWOnApproveMetaDataResult
          and TkbmMWOnGetMetaData to allow client to provide additional
          information fwhen obtaining metadata (table name etc).

        New stuff
        - Added support for &#xhhhh; and &#dddd; character
          encoding/decoding in XML.
        - Added missing properties (LogTypeFilter, LogDataTypeFilter,
          LogLevelFilter) and related getters/setters to
          IkbmMWLogManager interface.
        - Added Log.LogMemory methods for logging pointer based memory
        - Added support for reading external Tds files in addition to
          external Map files for debugging.
        - Added selective option for using either frame based stack
          tracing, OS based stack tracing or raw stack
          tracing via the Log.StackTraceMethod property (default frame
          based). Setting it to raw may provide more
          detailed tracing, but also risks showing incorrect entries.
        - Added LogManager.IgnoreException, IgnoreExceptions,
          ClearIgnoreExceptions and IsExceptionIgnored.
          They can be used to register specific exception classes that
          you do not want kbmMW to log.
        - Enhanced exception logging by forcing a stack trace if none
          is provided with the exception object.
        - Added ISO8601UTCDateTime property to TkbmMWDateTime which
          always returns a UTC formatted date/time string.
        - Added RFC1123UTCDateTime property to TkbmMWDateTime which
           lways returns a UTC formatted date/time string.
        - Added TkbmMWPlatformMarshal.Memory2Bytes function.
        - Updated AnyDAC adapter with suggested changes by Francisco
          Armando Dueñas Rodríguez.
        - Updated SQLite adapter to support MacOS.
        - Added more debugging functions to TkbmMWLog including logging
          JSON and easier access to debug of
          memory,stack,bytes,xml,json etc.

	Changes/minor additions
        - Added OwnerName string argument to
          TkbmMWOnAuthenticateMetaData, TkbmMWOnApproveMetaDataResult
          and TkbmMWOnGetMetaData to allow client to provide additional
          information fwhen obtaining metadata (table name etc).
        - Added OwnerName to overloaded GetMetaData method in
          TkbmMWClientQuery and TkbmMWClientStoredProc.
        - Changed all RequestID references from longint to integer.
        - Changed some longint to integer or TkbmNativeInt.

        - Fixed HTTP cookie expiration which did not work on Chrome due
          to Chrome not supporting timezones.
        - Fixed HTTP and AJAX transport stream format to not except
          when connection is lost to ensure nice close down.
        - Fixed MacOS compilation.
        - Fixed integer overflow issue in kbmMWMurmurHash3 and changed
          to use uint64 instead of int64.
        - Fixed IOS compilation errors due to ambigous Seek method.
        - Fixed Android compilation errors in
        - Fixed IOS lockid 64 bit issues in TkbmMWLock (fast lock
        - Fixed WIB message actions not receiving arguments due to
          message not unstreamed.
        - Fixed unmarshalling root custom type in
        - Added LowestUnstreamState to TkbmMWCustomTransportStream. Its
          used internally with batched messages for example to ensure
          not unstreaming from oridinal data (and thus avoid multiple
          decompression/decrypting on already decompressed/decrypted
        - Fixed various message batching/unbatching bugs.
        - Fixed JSON bug resulting in A/V.
        - Fixed multilevel list unmarshalling bug.
        - Fixed XML bug related to node attributes named 'type'.
数据库 网络架构
kbmmw 的HTTPSmartService入门
前面介绍过kbmmw 中的smartservice. 这个既可以用于kbmmw 的客户端,也可以使用http 访问。 在新版的kbmmw里面,作者加强了http 的支持,我们可以只使用HTTPSmartService ,这样可以省去很多代码,可以更方便、简单的实现REST 服务。
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开发工具 IDE 数据库管理
kbmmw 5.04 发布
增加了一大波功能,消灭了一大堆问题,也肯定引进了一大票BUG.We are happy to announce the release of our latest version of kbmMW. Downloads are readily available for holders of active SAU's from the portal at: https://portal.
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SQL 关系型数据库 网络架构
kbmmw 5.03 发布
版本一小数,功能一大步 We are happy to announce v5.03 of our popular middleware for Delphi and C++Builder. If you like kbmMW, please let others know! Share th...
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消息中间件 SQL 网络架构
kbmmw 5.02发布
5.02.00 May 27 2017 Important notes (changes that may break existing code) ====================================================== * Changed Use class in kbmMWSmartUtils.
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XML 数据格式
kbmmw 5.01 发布
Important notes (changes that may break existing code) ====================================================== * Officially now only supporting XE2 and forward.
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Web App开发
初识kbmmw 5 中httpsys的支持
前两天kbmmw 发布了5.0 版。里面一个非常令人兴奋的特性就是原生内部支持http.sys. 有关http.sys 的介绍及优势,我就在这里不多说了,大家可以参照一下我以前的文章。 关于http.sys 的最大优势就是web 服务,我今天就以此为例,在kbmmw中建一个使用httpsys的 web server。
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KBMMW 4.93.10 发布
例行更新,主要是bugfix. 4.93.10 June 4 2016 Important notes (changes that may break existing code) ====================================================== * Fixed compilation for D2009.
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XML 流计算 数据格式
KBMMW 4.93.00 发布
可喜可敬,作者非常勤奋,跟上了delphi 10.1 的步伐。 4.93.00 April 26 2016 Important notes (changes that may break existing code) ===============================...
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Linux C++ Java
KBMMW 4.92.00 发布
We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW Professional and Enterprise Edition. Yet again kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier p...
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XML JSON 网络性能优化
KBMMW 4.90.00 发布
kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server andenterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework forWin32, .
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