default listener is not configured in grid infrastructure home

简介: Oracle Restart enable database creation requries Default listener configured and running in Grid Infrastructure home,Use NETCA in Grid Infrastructure home - “/u01/app/11.2.0/grid" to configre a listener before proceeding.如上图,错误描述十分清楚,找不到listener需要在grid用户下创建一个。

Oracle Restart enable database creation requries Default listener configured and running in Grid Infrastructure home,Use NETCA in Grid Infrastructure home - “/u01/app/11.2.0/grid" to configre a listener before proceeding.



[grid@oel11g ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name           Type           Target    State     Host
ora.DATA.dg    ora....up.type ONLINE    ONLINE    oel11g
ora.DG01.dg    ora....up.type ONLINE    ONLINE    oel11g
ora.asm        ora.asm.type   ONLINE    ONLINE    oel11g
ora.cssd       ora.cssd.type  ONLINE    ONLINE    oel11g
ora.diskmon    ora....on.type ONLINE    ONLINE    oel11g

[grid@oel11g ~]$ srvctl status listener
PRCN-2044 : No listener exists

[grid@oel11g ~]$ srvctl add listener
[grid@oel11g ~]$ srvctl status listener
Listener LISTENER is enabled
Listener LISTENER is not running
[grid@oel11g ~]$ srvctl start listener
[grid@oel11g ~]$ srvctl status listener
Listener LISTENER is enabled
Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): oel11g


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