简介: 昨天类总在微信公众号,给我留言,这是2014年写的一篇文章(http://blog.csdn.net/bisal/article/details/18910785#reply),看了一下,当时的实验和说明是,SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SYS', tabname=>'T2');PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.查询dba_tables表,看到NUM_ROWS值是11218,说明此处采样比例是100%。



SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'SYS', tabname=>'T2');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.






(1) 9i和10g的描述,How to Gather Optimizer Statistics on 10g (文档 ID 605439.1)


(1) 9i中ESTIMATE_PERCENT自动采样比例默认为100%。


(3) 11g中ESTIMATE_PERCENT自动采样比例默认为DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,注意这说的是一个相对larger的estimate percentage,一直到100%。

Note that on 11g, although using auto size for ESTIMATE_PERCENT tends to default to 100% ,because this is an auto sample, the engine may still decide to use a different sample size for tables and columns. This means that Column statistics could still be gathered with a small sample size and create a histogram that is missing key values. When ESTIMATE_PERCENT is set to a specific numeric value, that value will be used for both the table and columns. 

Additionally, even though a 100% sample is collected, the gathering process is really fast since a new hashing algorithm is used to compute the statistics rather than sorting (in 9i and 10g the "slow" part was typically the sorting). In 10g, support experience has shown that the default ESTIMATE_PERCENT sample size was extremely small which often resulted in poor statistics and is therefore not recommended.



Using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS With ESTIMATE_PERCENT Parameter Samples All Rows (文档 ID 223065.1)


(2) 11g的描述,How to Gather Optimizer Statistics on 11g (文档 ID 749227.1)

On 11g support suggests using the default DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE for ESTIMATE_PERCENT. This will generate estimate sample size of 100% for the table (if it is possible for this to fit within the maintenance window), even if that means that statistics are gathered on a reduced frequency. If this 100% sample is not feasible, then try using at least an estimate of 30%, however since 11g uses a hashing algorithm to compute the statistic, performance should be acceptable in most cases.

Generally, the accuracy of the statistics overall outweighs the day to day changes in most applications. See below for notes regarding earlier versions and this setting.

11g建议使用DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,维护窗口内,尽可能按照100%完成自动采样,若100%的方式不适合,则会at least采用30%的采样比例。并且强调了11g采用了HASH算法,计算统计信息,因此几乎在所有场景下,性能都不是问题。


In 11g, using auto size for ESTIMATE_PERCENT defaults to 100% and therefore is as accurate as possible for the table itself.  In prior versions a 100% sample may have been impossible due to time collection constraints, however 11g implements a new hashing algorithm to compute the statistics rather than sorting (in 9i and 10g the "slow" part was typically the sorting) which significantly improves collection time and resource usage. Note that the column statistics are automatically decided and so a more variable sample may apply here.


这篇文章中(How to Change Default Parameters for Gathering Statistics in Oracle 11g or Later (文档 ID 1493227.1))则介绍了如何修改统计信息收集中的默认值。



(2) 从0.000001到100之间的有效值。

(3) NULL(会采用计算比例,100%)


(3) 12的描述,




2. 10g中ESTIMATE_PERCENT默认为DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,一个非常非常小的数,通常会造成poor的统计信息,因此并不建议使用AUTO。

3. 11g中ESTIMATE_PERCENT默认为DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,但由于其采用了一种新的HASH算法,即使倾向于默认100%采样,其性能要比9i和10g中更优,因此一般情况下,建议使用DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,由Oracle来自主选择采样比例。

4. 我之前说的,默认采样比例是100%,其实是需要有一些前提条件的,从1-3可以看出,9i确实默认是100%,但10g肯定不是了,11g一般情况下是100%,但不能保证所有情况均为100%。

5. 任何说法,需要有理论和实践来论证,有时需要猜测,但一定是靠谱的猜测,并且可以证明。

6. 要感谢像类总这样的朋友们,对之前一些问题的疑问,我一直认为,我只是一个Oracle的爱好者,道行还很浅,相关的理论和实践知识,还很薄弱,有错误不怕,但我一直在努力中,所以欢迎朋友们指出各种问题,共同努力,共同进步!


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