my new start

简介: my new start in blog csdn : today i formally migrate my personal technical blog from sina to here intending to meet more professional programmers and engineers .
my new start in blog csdn : today i formally migrate my personal technical blog from sina to here intending to meet more professional programmers and engineers . thx !
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Java Linux
Thread start 源码揭秘
Thread start 源码揭秘 public synchronized void start() { /** * This method is not invoked for the main method thread or "system" * group threads created/set up by the VM. Any new functionality added * to this method in the future may have to also be added to the VM. * * A ze
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start 与 run 区别
start 与 run 区别
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Java 调度
启动一个线程是调用start()方法,使线程所代表的虚拟处理机处于可运行状态,这意味着它可以由JVM 调度并执行,这并不意味着线程就会立即运行。run()方法是线程启动后要进行回调(callback)的方法。
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缓存 NoSQL Redis
BITCOUNT key [start end]
统计字符串被设置为1的bit数. 一般情况下,给定的整个字符串都会被进行计数,通过指定额外的 start 或 end 参数,可以让计数只在特定的位上进行。 start 和 end 参数的设置和 GETRANGE 命令类似,都可以使用负数值:比如 -1 表示最后一个位,而 -2 表示倒数第二个位,以此类推。
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应用服务中间件 JavaScript 前端开发