From asktom
you can import/export/set statistics directly with dbms_stats

it is easier to automate with dbms_stats (it is procedural, analyze is just a command)

dbms_stats is the stated, preferred method of collecting statisttics.

dbms_stats can analyze external tables, analyze cannot.

DBMS_STATS gathers statistics only for cost-based optimization; it does not gather other
statistics. For example, the table statistics gathered by DBMS_STATS include the number
of rows, number of blocks currently containing data, and average row length but not the
number of chained rows, average free space, or number of unused data blocks.

dbms_stats (in 9i) can gather system stats (new)

ANALYZE calculates global statistics for partitioned tables and indexes instead
of gathering them directly. This can lead to inaccuracies for some statistics, such as
the number of distinct values.  DBMS_Stats won't do that.

Most importantly, in the future, ANALYZE will not collect statistics needed by
the cost-based optimizer.
From asktom-------------you can import/export/set statistics directly with dbms_statsit is easier to automate with dbms_stats (it i...
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关系型数据库 Oracle
占位符ERP技术讨论群: 288307890 技术交流,技术讨论,欢迎加入 Technology Blog Created By Oracle ERP - 鲍新建
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SQL Oracle 关系型数据库
dbms_stats能良好地估计统计数据(尤其是针对较大的分区表),并能获得更好的统计结果,最终制定出速度更快的SQL执行计划。   exec dbms_stats.
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oracle优化常用经典参考-dawn009-ITPUB博客ERP技术讨论群: 288307890 技术交流,技术讨论,欢迎加入 Technology Blog Created By Oracle ERP - 鲍新建
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