基于JAVA的web框架 GWT SmartGWT ExtGWT Vaadin

简介: Gwt-Ext / SmartGWT http://code.google.com/p/gwt-ext/ Status Update This project is no longer under active development and has been superseded by Smart GWT.
Gwt-Ext / SmartGWT


Status Update This project is no longer under active development and has been superseded by Smart GWT. Assistance will be provided to existing users of GWT-Ext looking to migrate to Smart GWT.



http://www.smartclient.com/product/ 开源收费版本区别

Smart GWT

When development of GWT-Ext came to an end, Sanjiv Jeevan started a new project named

Smart GWT: http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/. This is a LGPL framework that

wraps the Smart Client JavaScript library in a similar way that GWT-Ext wraps Ext JS. Smart

GWT has the advantage that it is still being actively developed. Being LGPL-licensed, it also

can be used commercially without the need to pay the license fee that is required for Ext

GWT. Smart GWT still has the debugging problems of GWT-Ext and the components are often

regarded not as visually pleasing as Ext GWT. This could be down to personal taste of course.

Sencha GXT 3 / Ext GWT

Sencha GXT 3其实就是原来的 Ext GWT,Ext GWT 是基于 Google Web Toolkit(GWT) 和 ExtJs 的功能强大的网页开发控件库。它扩展了 GWT,在 ExtJs 的基础上实现了有排序功能的表格(Grid)、分页、过滤,支持有拖拽功能的树,高度可定制的组合下拉框(Combobox)、目录、对话框、表单 (Form)以及功能丰富、强大且易用的 API。




授权模式 http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/license/

The first license is an open source license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3. If you

wish to use this license, you do not have to pay a fee for using Ext GWT, but in return you

have to make your source code available under an open source license. This means you have

to contribute all the source code of your project to the open source community and give

everyone the right to modify or redistribute it.

If you cannot meet the obligations of the open source license, for example, you are

producing a commercial product or simply do not want to share your source code, 

you have to purchase a commercial license for Ext GWT.


Vaadin, http://vaadin.com, is a third alternative to Ext GWT.  Vaadin  is a server-side

framework that uses a set of precompiled GWT components. Although you can write your

own components if required, Vaadin is really designed so that you can build applications by

combining the ready-made components.

In Vaadin the browser client is just a dumb view of the server components and any user

interaction is sent to the server for processing much like traditional Java web frameworks.

This can be slow depending on the speed of the connection between the client and  

the server.

The main disadvantage of Vaadin is the dependency on the server. GWT or Ext GWT's

JavaScript can run in a browser without needing to communicate with a server. This is 

not possible in Vaadin.

Java 数据库
通过以上步骤,利用 Seata 框架可以实现较为简单的分布式事务处理。在实际应用中,还需要根据具体业务需求进行更详细的配置和处理。同时,要注意处理各种异常情况,以确保分布式事务的正确执行。
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JSON Java Apache
非常实用的Http应用框架,杜绝Java Http 接口对接繁琐编程
UniHttp 是一个声明式的 HTTP 接口对接框架,帮助开发者快速对接第三方 HTTP 接口。通过 @HttpApi 注解定义接口,使用 @GetHttpInterface 和 @PostHttpInterface 等注解配置请求方法和参数。支持自定义代理逻辑、全局请求参数、错误处理和连接池配置,提高代码的内聚性和可读性。
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Java 开发者 微服务
Spring Boot 入门:简化 Java Web 开发的强大工具
Spring Boot 是一个开源的 Java 基础框架,用于创建独立、生产级别的基于Spring框架的应用程序。它旨在简化Spring应用的初始搭建以及开发过程。
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开发框架 搜索推荐 数据可视化
Django 框架凭借其强大的功能、稳定性和可扩展性,几乎可以适应各种类型的 Web 应用程序开发需求。无论是简单的网站还是复杂的企业级系统,Django 都能提供可靠的支持,帮助开发者快速构建高质量的应用。同时,其活跃的社区和丰富的资源也为开发者在项目实施过程中提供了有力的保障。
开发框架 JavaScript 前端开发
TypeScript 是一种静态类型的编程语言,它扩展了 JavaScript,为 Web 开发带来了强大的类型系统、组件化开发支持、与主流框架的无缝集成、大型项目管理能力和提升开发体验等多方面优势
TypeScript 是一种静态类型的编程语言,它扩展了 JavaScript,为 Web 开发带来了强大的类型系统、组件化开发支持、与主流框架的无缝集成、大型项目管理能力和提升开发体验等多方面优势。通过明确的类型定义,TypeScript 能够在编码阶段发现潜在错误,提高代码质量;支持组件的清晰定义与复用,增强代码的可维护性;与 React、Vue 等框架结合,提供更佳的开发体验;适用于大型项目,优化代码结构和性能。随着 Web 技术的发展,TypeScript 的应用前景广阔,将继续引领 Web 开发的新趋势。
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你不可不知道的JAVA EE 框架有哪些?
本文介绍了框架的基本概念及其在编程领域的应用,强调了软件框架作为通用、可复用的软件环境的重要性。文章分析了早期Java EE开发中使用JSP+Servlet技术的弊端,包括可维护性差和代码重用性低等问题,并阐述了使用框架的优势,如提高开发效率、增强代码规范性和可维护性及提升软件性能。最后,文中详细描述了几种主流的Java EE框架,包括Spring、Spring MVC、MyBatis、Hibernate和Struts 2,这些框架通过提供强大的功能和支持,显著提升了Java EE应用的开发效率和稳定性。
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