kill session V$SESSION标记为KILLED 的2种情况

简介: If the session is not making a SQL call to Oracle (is INACTIVE) when it is terminated, the ORA-28 message is not returned immediately.
If the session is not making a SQL call to Oracle (is INACTIVE) when it is 
terminated, the ORA-28 message is not returned immediately.  The message is not
returned until the user subsequently attempts to use the terminated session.

When an inactive session has been terminated, STATUS in the view V$SESSION is 
"KILLED." The row for the terminated session is removed from V$SESSION after 
the user attempts to use the session again and receives the ORA-28 message.

If an active session cannot be interrupted (for example, it is performing 
network I/O or rolling back a transaction), the session cannot be terminated
until the operation completes.  In this case, the session holds all resources
until it is terminated.  Additionally, the session that issues the ALTER SYSTEM
statement to terminate a session waits up to 60 seconds for the session to
be terminated; if the operation that cannot be interrupted continues past 
one minute, the issuer of the ALTER SYSTEM statement receives a message 
indicating that the session has been "marked" to be terminated. A session 
marked to be terminated is indicated in V$SESSION with a status of "KILLED"
and a server that is something other than "PSEUDO."
1、会话没有占用过多的资源,不需要释放。这种情况一旦ALTER SESSION KILLED SESSION后需要客户端再次
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00028: your session has been killed
如果不抛错会话一直未KILLED 状态
2、如果会话占用过多资源,ORACLE KILLED发起者会等待60秒,如果资源不能释放完成,那么此会话会标记为KILLED
gdb调试之--read by other session 等待事件的重现
发生read by other session 等待事件,肯定是两个会话同时物理读同一个数据块,假设有两个会话,会话1发生物理读,会话2正要去物理读发现会话1正在物读理产生,此时会话2发生等待,此等待就是read by other session 等待事件。
oom_kill_process造成数据库挂起并出现found dead shared server
这篇博客是上一篇博客Oracle shutdown immediate遭遇ORA-24324 ORA-24323 ORA-01089的延伸(数据库挂起hang时,才去重启的),其实这是我们海外一工厂的遇到的案例,把内容拆开是因为这个case分开讲述显得主题明确一些。
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SQL Server会话KILL不掉,一直处于KILLED /ROLLBACK状态情形浅析
原文:SQL Server会话KILL不掉,一直处于KILLED /ROLLBACK状态情形浅析 今天遇到一个很奇怪的情况,发现一个会话异常,这个会话只是在执行一个简单的存储过程,里面使用了链接服务器(Linked Server)查询另外一台服务器数据(存储过程里面没有任何显性事务、UPDATE、D...
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原文:解决session阻塞的问题 简介     对于数据库运维人员来说创建session或者查询时产生问题是常规情况,下面介绍一种很有效且不借助第三方工具的方式来解决类似问题。 最近开始接触运维工作,所以自己总结一些方案便于不懂数据库的同事解决一些不太紧要的数据库问题。
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