Silverlight 3 全系列开发工具发布

简介: Silverlight 3 全系列开发工具发布   Expression® Studio 3Make your vision real with the four professional tools in Microsoft® Expression Studio 3.
 Silverlight 3 全系列开发工具发布
Expression Studio 3

Expression® Studio 3
Make your vision real with the four professional tools in Microsoft® Expression Studio 3. Design for standards-based web sites, rich desktop experiences or Silverlight. Includes Expression Blend™ + SketchFlow, Expression Web, Expression Design and Expression Encoder.


Expression® Web 3

Expression Web 3
Microsoft Expression Web 3 gives you the tools you need – PHP, HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, visual diagnostics and sophisticated CSS design capability – to produce high-quality, standards-based Web sites. Includes SuperPreview.


Expression Blend 3

Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow
Microsoft Expression Blend 3 revolutionizes the speed and efficiency with which you can take your ideas from initial concept to completed project on the Silverlight and .NET platforms. Includes SketchFlow.

Expression Design 3

Expression Design 3
Microsoft Expression Design 3 is the perfect companion to Expression Blend or Expression Web. Create sophisticated assets with their fidelity maintained throughout the entire designer-developer workflow.

Expression Encoder 3

Expression Encoder 3
With Microsoft Expression Encoder, you can import and encode video files, produce live webcasts, enhance media with watermarks and advertising, and publish with Microsoft Silverlight.


IDE JavaScript API
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IDM 平替 Gopeed Flutter 开源免费下载工具
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测试技术 C# iOS开发
在Visual Studio中使用MonoTouch开发iOS应用程序(下):开发体验
  对于熟悉.NET程序员来说,编写iOS应用程序的最佳选择自然是MonoTouch。在上一篇文章里,我们已经在Mac OS X上安装了MonoTouch开发环境,并已经能够在Mac OS X和Windows之间共享文件。
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