- 为你的插件取一个名字,在这个例子里面我们叫它"foobar".
- 创建一个像这样的文件:jquery.[yourpluginname].js,比如我们创建一个jquery.foobar.js
- 创建一个或更多的插件方法,使用继承jQuery对象的方式,如:
jQuery.fn.foobar = function() {
// do something
- 可选的:创建一个用于帮助说明的函数,如:
jQuery.fooBar = {
height: 5,
calculateBar = function() { ... },
checkDependencies = function() { ... }
jQuery.fn.foobar = function() {
// do something
// do something else
- 可选的l:创建一个默认的初始参数配置,这些配置也可以由用户自行设定,如:
jQuery.fn.foobar = function(options) {
var settings = {
value: 5,
name: "pete",
bar: 655
if(options) {
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
value: 123,
bar: 9
$("input[@type='checkbox']").each(function() {
this.checked = true;
// or, to uncheck
this.checked = false;
// or, to toggle
this.checked = !this.checked;
$.fn.check = function() {
return this.each(function() {
this.checked = true;
$.fn.check = function(mode) {
var mode = mode || 'on'; // if mode is undefined, use 'on' as default
return this.each(function() {
switch(mode) {
case 'on':
this.checked = true;
case 'off':
this.checked = false;
case 'toggle':
this.checked = !this.checked;
$.fn.rateMe = function(options) {
var container = this; // instead of selecting a static container with $("#rating"), we now use the jQuery context
var settings = {
url: "rate.php"
// put more defaults here
// remember to put a comma (",") after each pair, but not after the last one!
if(options) { // check if options are present before extending the settings
$.extend(settings, options);
// ...
// rest of the code
// ...
return this; // if possible, return "this" to not break the chain