the solution about "messy code" in elicpse

简介: I use the Elicpse IDE to develope the ansdroid app.Sometime encounter the messy code in the Elicpse<br><br><br> One solve method is that to fix the Ecicpse's enCoding setting:<br><br><br> click
I use the Elicpse IDE to develope the ansdroid app.Sometime encounter the messy code in the Elicpse

One solve method is that to fix the Ecicpse's enCoding setting:

click "Windows->Preferences->General->Content Type",in the right tab,make the Java File's Default encoding 

change to utf-8 or utf-16,GBK and so on.
JavaScript 编译器
模块 &quot;&quot;element-plus&quot;&quot; 没有导出的成员 &quot;ElMessage&quot;。你是想改用 &quot;import ElMessage from &quot;element-plus&quot;&quot; 吗?
模块 &quot;&quot;element-plus&quot;&quot; 没有导出的成员 &quot;ElMessage&quot;。你是想改用 &quot;import ElMessage from &quot;element-plus&quot;&quot; 吗?
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Can&#39;t convert boolean to string automatically, because the &quot;boolean_format&quot; setting was &quot;true,false&quot;
五月 11, 2017 5:06:50 下午 freemarker.log._JULLoggerFactory$JULLogger error 严重: Error executing FreeMarker template FreeMarker template error: Can't con...
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XML 数据格式
XML问题: The processing instruction target matching &quot;[xX][mM][lL]&quot; is not allowed
XML问题: The processing instruction target matching &quot;[xX][mM][lL]&quot; is not allowed
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JSON fastjson 数据格式
报错:JSONException: illegal identifier : {pos 1, line 1, column 2{{&quot;group&quot;:&quot;trade_p0&qu
报错:JSONException: illegal identifier : {pos 1, line 1, column 2{{&quot;group&quot;:&quot;trade_p0&qu
584 0
合同结构化文书解析失败,请联系管理员排查:{&quot;code&quot;:3001,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;File transform error&quot;,&quot;success&quot;:false,&quot;tracerId&quot;:&quot;requestId&quot;}报错处理
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合同结构化文书解析失败,请联系管理员排查:{&quot;code&quot;:3001,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;File transform error&quot;,&quot;success&quot;:false,&quot;tracerId&quot;:&quot;requestId&quot;}报错处理
Syntax error, insert &quot;Dimensions&quot; to complete TypeArgument
Syntax error, insert "Dimensions" to complete TypeArgument 语法错误,插入“维度”来完成类型参数 在定义 Map 的时候出现此错误,代码如下: [java] view plain copy Map
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Integer.parseInt(&quot;&quot;) Integer.valueOf(&quot;&quot;)和new Integer(&quot;&quot;)之间的区别
把一个String转换成int有Integer.parseInt("")、 Integer.valueOf("")和new Integer("")这么几种方式,它们之间有什么区别呢?我们可以分别看一下它们的源码 //Integer.parseInt("") public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatExc
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