SAP WM Stock Removal Strategy M (Small/Large Quantity)(1)

简介: SAP WM Stock Removal Strategy M (Small/Large Quantity)(1)

SAP WM Stock Removal Strategy M (Small/Large Quantity)

Part I:functionality introduction and master data setting

In SAP WM module, the stock removal strategy M is not commonly used in SAP's project practice.

The core meaning of this strategy is: the stock of materials is placed in at least two storage types, the partial small quantity inventory is stored in storage type 1, and the full pallet quantity (large quantity) stock is stored in storage type 2. When the business personnel remove the stock from the shelf, SAP system checks that the quantity find it is relatively small, then SAP system will automatically suggest to remove stock from storage type 1, otherwise SAP system will suggest remove stock from storage type 2.

If we want to setup this strategy, there are 3 key points:

1) We specified the stock removal strategy as M in related storage types.


In this blog, I will use the storage type 005 (small quantity) and Z03 (Large quantity) for the demo, so we need to specify the stock removal strategy for those two storage types as M.

2) In the configuration of storage type search, we need to maintain related storage types in the stock removal search setting, remember to set the small quantity storage type as the first storage type, the big quantity storage type as the second storage type.


Here we suppose that the small quantity stock are placed into storage type 005, full pallet quantity stock are placed into storage type Z03.

3) In material master data WM2 view, we need to maintain a value for the field Control Quantity within the small quantity storage type. SAP system will compare the stock removal quantity with the control quantity, if the stock removal quantity is smaller than the control quantity, then SAP system will suggest that remove stock from small quantity storage type, otherwise remove stock from large quantity storage type.


We maintain the control quantity in the storage type 005 of material master data. The value is 400.


We need not to maintain the control quantity within the storage type Z03 of material master data.

Part II: The functionality demo of stock removal strategy M

1, The WM stock data for material 781 in storage type 005 and Z03.


For the batch 0000000467, we have partial stock in storage type 005, and have full pallet stock in storage type Z03.

2, We execute the transaction code MIGO to issue goods to cost center.


The GI quantity is 53. And the batch number 0000000467,


Post, then SAP switch to the screen of transaction code LT06,


Enter, SAP switches to below screen shot,


Save it directly,


TO#82 was created. Display the detailed data of this TO document,


Because the stock removal quantity is 53, which is smaller than the control quantity maintained in material master data, so SAP removed the stock from the storage type 005, this is what we expected.

The newest stock data,


The material 781 batch number 0000000467 still has stock within the storage type 005 and Z03.

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