SAP S/4 HANA FINANCE New Transaction Codes

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Below you can find an overview about replaced, changed and new transactions in SAP S/4HANA FINANCE.

Please note: all other transactions didnt change, e.g. FBL1N, FBL5N, AS01, AS02 etc. Here just the changes are mentioned (replacements or new transactions that are available with new GL or sFIN).

Replaced transactions in GL/ AP/ AR

Description  OLD NEW Comment
Balance Carry Forward F.16 FAGLGVTR
Foreign Currency valuation F04N/ F.05 FAGL_FCV
Regrouping F101 FAGLF101
Comparison: Documents/ transaction figues
F.01 FAGLF03
G/L account balances display FS10N FAGLB03
Line item display G/L FBL3N


Note: classic FBL3N can still be used under new GL and sFIN but just for entry view not for GL view!

New transactions in GL/ AP/ AR

Description OLD NEW Comment
Vendor line items FBL!N


Note: classic FBL1N can still be used under new GL and sFIN. FBL1H is optional.
Customer line items FBL5N

Note: classic FBL5N can still be used under new GL and sFIN. FBL5H is optional.
Transfer CO documents from worklist to FI (Realtime
integration) N/A FAGLCOFIFLUP
Financial Statement N/A


Note: classic RFBILA00 can still be used under newGL and sFIN. FGI3 is optional, several reports are available with this transaction.
Line item display GL
HANA optimized N/A FAGLL03H Note: optional

Changed transactions in CO

Description OLD NEW Comment
Add Base Planning Object KKE1 CKUC used only as embedded Function in Product cost for Sales order
Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est KKEC CKUC used only as embedded Function in Product cost for Sales order
PCA Line Item Browser KE5Z KE5ZH Wave 0 use KE5Z; further investigation in next waves
Cost Centers: Actual Line Items KSB1 KSB1N Wave 0 use KSB1; further investigation in next waves
Orders: Actual Line Items KOB1 KOB1N Wave 0 use KOB1; further investigation in next waves
Controlling Documents: Actual KSB5 KSB5N Wave 0 use KSB5; further investigation in next waves
Project Selection for CJ8GH CJ8V CJ8VH
Generate Settmt Rule: Coll.Proc. CJB1 CJB1H
Actual Settlement: Projects/Networks CJ8G CJ8GH CJ8GH recommended to use in Wave 0
Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders KO8G KO8GH Ko8GH recommended to use in Wave 0
Actual Settlement: Sales Orders VA88 VA88H VA88H recommended to use in Wave 0
AC: Accrual Posting ZC_VA88 ZC_VA88H ZC_VA88H recommended to use in Wave 0
Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs KKAK KKAKH use transaction KKAK; KKAKH do not cover the whole functionality


Replaced transactions in Asset Accounting

Description OLD NEW
Asset reconciliation ABST ABSTL
Create asset transaction AB01 AB01L
Unplanned depreciation ABAA ABAAL
Last Retirement on Group Asset ABAKN ABAKNL
Asset Sale Without Customer ABAO ABAOL
Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABAV ABAVL
Balance sheet revaluation ABAW ABAWL
Adjustment Posting to Areas ABCO ABCOL
Credit Memo in Year after Invoice ABGF ABGFL
Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice ABGL ABGLL
Investment support ABIF ABIFL
Manual depreciation ABMA ABMAL
Manual transfer of reserves ABMR ABMRL
Post-capitalization ABNA ABNAL
Subsequent Revenue ABNE ABNEL
Subsequent Costs ABNK ABNKL
Miscellaneous Transactions ABSO ABSOL
Transfer From ABUM ABUML
Acquisition from in-house production ABZE ABZEL
Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting ABZO ABZOL
Acquistion from affiliated company ABZP ABZPL

Replaced reports in Asset Accounting

Description OLD NEW
Asset History Sheet Program RAGITT01 Program RAGITT_ALV01
Asset Transactions Program RABEWG01 Program RABEWG_ALV01
Asset Acquisitions Program RAZUGA01 Program RAZUGA_ALV01
Asset Retirements Program RAABGA01 Program RAABGA_ALV01
Intercompany Asset Transfers Program RAUMBU01 Program RAUMBU_ALV01
Directory of Unposted Assets Program RAANLA01 Program RAANLA_ALV01
Net Worth Valuation Program RAVERM01 Program RAVERM_ALV01
Insurance Values Program RAVERS01 Program RAVERS_ALV01
Depreciation Current Year Program RAHAFA01 Program RAHAFA_ALV01




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