SAP Fiori UX



SAP Fiori is the new user experience (UX) for SAP software that applies modern design principles. SAP solutions, such as the SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA, are using the SAP Fiori UX to provide a personalized, responsive, and simple user experience.


SAP Fiori UX speaks a consistent design language and makes use of a common technical infrastructure. By blurring traditional computing boundaries and by using interactive and attractive UI elements, SAP Fiori UX provides a consistent end-to-end user experience and can be used across all device types (for example, desktop, tablet, and mobile).


Organized by user roles, the SAP Fiori launchpad is the central entry hub to all SAP Fiori apps, where users access apps via tiles. Within the launchpad, there are services for navigation, personalization, single sign-on, and search. The launchpad and the tiles are flexible and can be adapted to your needs.


You can use the search in the SAP Fiori launchpad to search for business objects and for apps. For more information, see SAP Fiori Search.


Apps applying the SAP Fiori UX focus on the most critical and common activities and are designed around how people work:

  • Role-based: Designed for you, your needs and how you work

  • Responsive: Supports how and where you work, at any time

  • Simple: Focuses on the important

  • Coherent: Provides one fluid, seamless experience

  • Delightful: Makes an emotional connection


    All UIs are built using state-of-the-art technology such as HTML5 and SAP UI5 mobile. SAP Fiori apps allow you to access the most recent version of your back end data via OData services. Using previously defined roles and authorizations, you can specify which apps and which data a user is allowed to access.


    More Information

    For more information about the SAP Fiori launchpad, see Setup of SAP Fiori Launchpad.




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