Technical info on Lode Runner 2

简介: info on Lode Runner 2 by Stephen Appleby =============================...

Technical info on Lode Runner 2
by Stephen Appleby

The orignal plans for LR2 included a "MALL WORLD" and "ALIEN WORLD" but
they weren't included in the released version. They left spaces for them
in the game, if they'll ever release them to the public...who knows.
you can see for one of your homemade lvls in a HEX
editor and change the bit at offset 12 (the 12th bit of xx) to 07. Open
the lvl with the changed bit in the'll get a message
MALLWG.PRX not found.

00000000-0000002A Level Info
Header Contains
 00000012 World Byte
if byte is     then World is
  00          Mona
  01        *CRASHES LR2*
  02          Industry
  03          Alien
  04          Jungle
  05          Builder
  06          Gear
  07          Mall
  08          World Hub
  09          Credit Level

 00000014 Background
 00000026 # of Gold pieces in lvl
For each piece of Gold add 6 bytes to end of Header as Folows:
 Gold Def           Position
|     |    | x    y     z  |
 AD00 0100 FFFF 5E00 5F00 4600
First 4 bytes tell which object
 Gold AD00 0100
then FFFF
next 6 tell position
 5E00 x=94
 5F00 y=95
 4600 z=70

0000002A-000000A2 120 Bytes Of FF

Each Volume has 32 Bytes
Starting w/ 6E00
Last 4 detrmine block type then 0000 seperator
Start                 X    Y    Z
|    |              |              |
 6E00 0100 111C 0000 5F00 5F00 4600 0001
                         Volume Type
                         |         |
 0000 8E00 0019 1C00 0000 8913 0000
NOTE: For Each Z Unit ADD 2xFF Between Volumes
All Vloumes in a Z plane should be in the same Z block
Z blocks are separated by 2xFF for each Z unit.

Example    |Z=46|
 6E00 0100 111C 0000 5F00 5F00 4600 0001

 0000 8E00 0019 1C00 0000 8913 0000 0000
New volume marked by 6E00 |Z=46|
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