Download Hacking Team Database from torrent using magnet link

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Recently controversial Italian security company Hacking Team, has been hacked and more than 400gb made it way to World Wide Web. Hacking Team is known for selling spyware to governments all around the world.

Hacking Team is a Milan-based information technology company that sells offensive intrusion and surveillance capabilities to governments and law enforcement agencies. Its remote control systems enable governments to monitor the communications of internet users, decipher their encrypted files and emails, record Skype and other Voice over IP communications, and remotely activate microphones and camera on target computers. The company has been criticized for providing these capabilities to governments with poor human rights records. Hacking Team states that they have the ability to disable their software if it is used unethically.

In June 2014, a report from the University of Toronto detailed the functionality and architecture of Hacking Team’s Remote Control System (RCS) software and operator tradecraft.

Hacking Team employs around 40 people in its Italian office, and has subsidiary branches in Annapolis and Singapore. Its products are in use in dozens of countries across six continents.

2015 data breach

On July 5, 2015, the Twitter account of the company was compromised by an unknown individual who published an announcement of a data breach against Hacking Team’s computer systems. The initial message read, “Since we have nothing to hide, we’re publishing all our e-mails, files, and source code …” and provided links to over 400 gigabytes of data, including alleged internal e-mails, invoices, and source code; which were leaked via BitTorrent and Mega. An announcement of the data breach, including a link to the bittorrent seed, was retweeted by WikiLeaks and by many others through social media.

The material was voluminous and early analysis appeared to reveal that Hacking Team had invoiced the Lebanese Army and Sudan and that spy tools were also sold to Bahrain and Kazakhstan. Hacking Team had previously claimed they had never done business with Sudan.

The leaked data revealed a zero-day cross-platform Flash exploit (CVE number CVE-2015-5119). The dump included a demo of this exploit by opening Calculator from a test webpage. Adobe patched the hole on July 8, 2015. Another vulnerability involving Adobe was revealed in the dumps, which took advantage of a buffer overflow attack on an Adobe Open Type Manager DLL included with Microsoft Windows. The DLL is run in kernel mode, so the attack could perform privilege escalation to bypass the sandbox.

Also revealed in leaked data was Hacking Team employees use of weak passwords, including ‘P4ssword’, ‘wolverine’, and ‘universo’.

After a few hours without response from Hacking Team, member Christian Pozzi tweeted the company was working closely with police and “what the attackers are claiming regarding our company is not true.” He also claimed the leaked archive “contains a virus” and that it constituted “false info”. Shortly after these tweets, Pozzi’s Twitter account itself was apparently compromised.

Responsibility for this attack was claimed by the hacker known as Phineas Fisher on Twitter. Phineas has previously attacked spyware firm Gamma International, who produce malware, such as FinFisher, for governments and corporations. [Source:Wiki]

Following is the link to download Hacking Team Database from torrent using magnet link:


If you want to download Hacking Team Database from torrent, then you can download selective files to do some research. Here’s another link for that:

Capabilities of the RAT’s by Hacking Team

Hacking Team enables clients to perform remote monitoring functions against citizens via their Remote Control Systems (RCS) including Da Vinci:

  1. Covert collection of emails, text message, phone call history and address books
  2. Keystroke logging
  3. Uncover search history data and take screenshots
  4. Record audio from phone calls
  5. Use phones to collect ambient noise and conversations
  6. Activate phone or computer cameras
  7. Hijack telephone GPS systems to monitor target’s location

Hacking team uses advanced techniques to avoid draining cell phone batteries, which could potentially raise suspicions, and other methods to avoid detection. [Source:Wiki]

WikiLeaks update on Hacking Team

On 8th July 2015, WikiLeaks released more than 1 million searchable emails from the Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team, which first came under international scrutiny after WikiLeaks publication of the SpyFiles. These internal emails show the inner workings of the controversial global surveillance industry. WikiLeaks took all the PST files and made the emails searchable. You can go  to the following link and search emails. You can use boolean operators to search emails too.

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